Title 30


Subpart K - Oil and Gas Production Requirements

30: 109
30: 250.1150
   250.1150 What are the general reservoir production requirements
30: 110
Well Tests and Surveys
30: 250.1151
   250.1151 How often must I conduct well production tests
30: 250.1152
   250.1152 How do I conduct well tests
30: 250.1153-250.1155
   250.1153-250.1155 [Reserved]
30: 111
Approvals Prior to Production
30: 250.1156
   250.1156 What steps must I take to receive approval to produce within 500 feet of a unit or lease line
30: 250.1157
   250.1157 How do I receive approval to produce gas-cap gas from an oil reservoir with an associated gas cap
30: 250.1158
   250.1158 How do I receive approval to downhole commingle hydrocarbons
30: 112
Production Rates
30: 250.1159
   250.1159 May the Regional Supervisor limit my well or reservoir production rates
30: 113
Flaring, Venting, and Burning Hydrocarbons
30: 250.1160
   250.1160 When may I flare or vent gas
30: 250.1161
   250.1161 When may I flare or vent gas for extended periods of time
30: 250.1162
   250.1162 When may I burn produced liquid hydrocarbons
30: 250.1163
   250.1163 How must I measure gas flaring or venting volumes and liquid hydrocarbon burning volumes, and what records must I maintain
30: 250.1164
   250.1164 What are the requirements for flaring or venting gas containing H2S
30: 114
Other Requirements
30: 250.1165
   250.1165 What must I do for enhanced recovery operations
30: 250.1166
   250.1166 What additional reporting is required for developments in the Alaska OCS Region
30: 250.1167
   250.1167 What information must I submit with forms and for approvals