Title 30


Subpart B - Plans and Information

30: 78
General Information
30: 250.200
   250.200 Definitions.
30: 250.201
   250.201 What plans and information must I submit before I conduct any activities on my lease or unit
30: 250.202-250.203
   250.202-250.203 [Reserved]
30: 250.204
   250.204 How must I protect the rights of the Federal government
30: 250.205
   250.205 Are there special requirements if my well affects an adjacent property
30: 79
Post-Approval Requirements for the EP, DPP, and DOCD
30: 250.282
   250.282 Do I have to conduct post-approval monitoring
30: 80
Deepwater Operations Plan (DWOP)
30: 250.286
   250.286 What is a DWOP
30: 250.287
   250.287 For what development projects must I submit a DWOP
30: 250.288
   250.288 When and how must I submit the Conceptual Plan
30: 250.289
   250.289 What must the Conceptual Plan contain
30: 250.290
   250.290 What operations require approval of the Conceptual Plan
30: 250.291
   250.291 When and how must I submit the DWOP
30: 250.292
   250.292 What must the DWOP contain
30: 250.293
   250.293 What operations require approval of the DWOP
30: 250.294
   250.294 May I combine the Conceptual Plan and the DWOP
30: 250.295
   250.295 When must I revise my DWOP