Title 29
Subpart H - Right To Vote
- Secs. 401, 402, 73 Stat. 532, 534 (29 U.S.C. 481, 482); Secretary's Order No. 03-2012, 77 FR 69376, November 16, 2012.
- 38 FR 18324, July 9, 1973, unless otherwise noted.
29: | SECTION 452.84 | 452.84 General. | |
29: | SECTION 452.85 | 452.85 Reasonable qualifications on right to vote. | |
29: | SECTION 452.86 | 452.86 Vote conditioned on payment of dues. | |
29: | SECTION 452.87 | 452.87 Dues paid by checkoff. | |
29: | SECTION 452.88 | 452.88 Resumption of good standing. | |
29: | SECTION 452.89 | 452.89 Apprentices. | |
29: | SECTION 452.90 | 452.90 Visiting members. | |
29: | SECTION 452.91 | 452.91 Voting by employers, supervisors. | |
29: | SECTION 452.92 | 452.92 Unemployed members. | |
29: | SECTION 452.93 | 452.93 Retired members. | |
29: | SECTION 452.94 | 452.94 Reasonable opportunity to vote. | |
29: | SECTION 452.95 | 452.95 Absentee ballots. |