Title 29

PART 452

Part 452 - General Statement Concerning The Election Provisions Of The Labor-management Reporting And Disclosure Act Of 1959

PART 452 - GENERAL STATEMENT CONCERNING THE ELECTION PROVISIONS OF THE LABOR-MANAGEMENT REPORTING AND DISCLOSURE ACT OF 1959 Authority:Secs. 401, 402, 73 Stat. 532, 534 (29 U.S.C. 481, 482); Secretary's Order No. 03-2012, 77 FR 69376, November 16, 2012. Source:38 FR 18324, July 9, 1973, unless otherwise noted.

29: A
Subpart A - General Considerations
29: 452.1
   452.1 Introductory statement.
29: 452.2
   452.2 Application of union constitution and bylaws.
29: 452.3
   452.3 Interpretations of constitution and bylaws.
29: 452.4
   452.4 Investigatory provision - application.
29: 452.5
   452.5 Effect of violation on outcome.
29: 452.6
   452.6 Delegation of enforcement authority.
29: B
Subpart B - Other Provisions of the Act Affecting Title IV
29: 452.7
   452.7 Bill of Rights, title I.
29: 452.8
   452.8 Trusteeship provisions, title III.
29: 452.9
   452.9 Prohibition against certain persons holding office; section 504.
29: 452.10
   452.10 Retaliation for exercising rights.
29: C
Subpart C - Coverage of Election Provisions
29: 452.11
   452.11 Organizations to which election provisions apply.
29: 452.12
   452.12 Organizations comprised of government employees.
29: 452.13
   452.13 Extraterritorial application.
29: 452.14
   452.14 Newly formed or merged labor organizations.
29: 452.15
   452.15 Effect of trusteeship.
29: 452.16
   452.16 Offices which must be filled by election.
29: 452.17
   452.17 Officer.
29: 452.18
   452.18 Constitutional officers.
29: 452.19
   452.19 Executive functions.
29: 452.20
   452.20 Nature of executive functions.
29: 452.21
   452.21 Members of executive board.
29: 452.22
   452.22 Delegates to a convention.
29: D
Subpart D - Frequency and Kinds of Elections
29: 452.23
   452.23 Frequency of elections.
29: 452.24
   452.24 Terms of office.
29: 452.25
   452.25 Vacancies in office.
29: 452.26
   452.26 Elections in local labor organizations.
29: 452.27
   452.27 National, international organizations, and intermediate bodies.
29: 452.28
   452.28 Unopposed candidates.
29: 452.29
   452.29 Primary elections.
29: 452.30
   452.30 Run-off elections.
29: 452.31
   452.31 One candidate for several offices.
29: E
Subpart E - Candidacy for Office; Reasonable Qualifications
29: 452.32
   452.32 Persons who may be candidates and hold office; secret ballot elections.
29: 452.33
   452.33 Persons who may be candidates and hold office; elections at conventions.
29: 452.34
   452.34 Application of section 504, LMRDA.
29: 452.35
   452.35 Qualifications for candidacy.
29: 452.36
   452.36 Reasonableness of qualifications.
29: 452.37
   452.37 Types of qualifications.
29: 452.38
   452.38 Meeting attendance requirements.
29: 452.39
   452.39 Participation in insurance plan.
29: 452.40
   452.40 Prior office holding.
29: 452.41
   452.41 Working at the trade.
29: 452.42
   452.42 Membership in particular branch or segment of the union.
29: 452.43
   452.43 Representative categories.
29: 452.44
   452.44 Dual unionism.
29: 452.45
   452.45 Multiple office holding.
29: 452.46
   452.46 Characteristics of candidate.
29: 452.47
   452.47 Employer or supervisor members.
29: 452.48
   452.48 Employees of union.
29: 452.49
   452.49 Other union rules.
29: 452.50
   452.50 Disqualification as a result of disciplinary action.
29: 452.51
   452.51 Declaration of candidacy.
29: 452.52
   452.52 Filing fee.
29: 452.53
   452.53 Application of qualifications for office.
29: 452.54
   452.54 Retroactive rules.
29: F
Subpart F - Nominations for Office
29: 452.55
   452.55 Statutory provisions concerning nomination.
29: 452.56
   452.56 Notice.
29: 452.57
   452.57 Procedures for nomination.
29: 452.58
   452.58 Self-nomination.
29: 452.59
   452.59 Presence of nominee.
29: 452.60
   452.60 Nominations for national, international or intermediate body office.
29: 452.61
   452.61 Elimination contests - local unions.
29: 452.62
   452.62 Disqualification of candidates; procedural reasons.
29: 452.63
   452.63 Nominations at conventions.
29: 452.64
   452.64 Write-in votes.
29: 452.65
   452.65 Interval between nominations and election.
29: G
Subpart G - Campaign Safeguards
29: 452.66
   452.66 Statutory provisions.
29: 452.67
   452.67 Distribution of campaign literature.
29: 452.68
   452.68 Distribution to less than full membership.
29: 452.69
   452.69 Expenses of campaign literature.
29: 452.70
   452.70 Contents of literature.
29: 452.71
   452.71 Inspection of membership lists.
29: 452.72
   452.72 Period of inspection.
29: 452.73
   452.73 Use of union funds.
29: 452.74
   452.74 Expenditures permitted.
29: 452.75
   452.75 Union newspapers.
29: 452.76
   452.76 Campaigning by union officers.
29: 452.77
   452.77 Permissible use of union funds.
29: 452.78
   452.78 Expenditures by employers.
29: 452.79
   452.79 Opportunity to campaign.
29: 452.80
   452.80 Bona fide candidates.
29: 452.81
   452.81 Rights in intermediate body elections.
29: 452.82
   452.82 Reprisal for exercising rights.
29: 452.83
   452.83 Enforcement of campaign safeguards.
29: H
Subpart H - Right To Vote
29: 452.84
   452.84 General.
29: 452.85
   452.85 Reasonable qualifications on right to vote.
29: 452.86
   452.86 Vote conditioned on payment of dues.
29: 452.87
   452.87 Dues paid by checkoff.
29: 452.88
   452.88 Resumption of good standing.
29: 452.89
   452.89 Apprentices.
29: 452.90
   452.90 Visiting members.
29: 452.91
   452.91 Voting by employers, supervisors.
29: 452.92
   452.92 Unemployed members.
29: 452.93
   452.93 Retired members.
29: 452.94
   452.94 Reasonable opportunity to vote.
29: 452.95
   452.95 Absentee ballots.
29: I
Subpart I - Election Procedures; Rights of Members
29: 452.96
   452.96 General.
29: 452.97
   452.97 Secret ballot.
29: 452.98
   452.98 Outside agencies.
29: 452.99
   452.99 Notice of election.
29: 452.100
   452.100 Use of union newspaper as notice.
29: 452.101
   452.101 Sample ballots as notice.
29: 452.102
   452.102 Notice in mail ballot election.
29: 452.103
   452.103 Primary elections.
29: 452.104
   452.104 Proximity of notice to election.
29: 452.105
   452.105 Interference or reprisal.
29: 452.106
   452.106 Preservation of records.
29: 452.107
   452.107 Observers.
29: 452.108
   452.108 Publication of results.
29: 452.109
   452.109 Constitution of labor organization.
29: 452.110
   452.110 Adequate safeguards.
29: 452.111
   452.111 Campaigning in polling places.
29: 452.112
   452.112 Form of ballot; slate voting.
29: 452.113
   452.113 Sectional balloting.
29: 452.114
   452.114 Write-in votes.
29: 452.115
   452.115 Distribution of ballots.
29: 452.116
   452.116 Determining validity of ballots.
29: 452.117
   452.117 Majority of votes not required for election.
29: 452.118
   452.118 Local unions agents in international elections.
29: 452.119
   452.119 Indirect elections.
29: 452.120
   452.120 Officers as delegates.
29: 452.121
   452.121 Limitations on national or international officers serving as delegates.
29: 452.122
   452.122 Delegates from intermediate bodies; method of election.
29: 452.123
   452.123 Elections of intermediate body officers.
29: 452.124
   452.124 Delegates from units which are not labor organizations.
29: 452.125
   452.125 Delegates from labor organizations under trusteeship.
29: 452.126
   452.126 Delegates to conventions which do not elect officers.
29: 452.127
   452.127 Proportionate representation.
29: 452.128
   452.128 Under-strength representation.
29: 452.129
   452.129 Non-discrimination.
29: 452.130
   452.130 Expenses of delegates.
29: 452.131
   452.131 Casting of ballots; delegate elections.
29: 452.132
   452.132 Proxy voting.
29: 452.133
   452.133 Election of delegates not members of the labor organization.
29: 452.134
   452.134 Preservation of records.
29: J
Subpart J - Special Enforcement Provisions
29: 452.135
   452.135 Complaints of members.
29: 452.136
   452.136 Investigation of complaint by Office of Labor-Management Standards, court action by the Secretary.
29: K
Subpart K - Dates and Scope of Application
29: 452.137
   452.137 Effective dates.
29: 452.138
   452.138 Application of other laws.