27: | SUBJGRP 13
| When Required | |
27: | SECTION 1.20
| 1.20 Importers. | |
27: | SECTION 1.21
| 1.21 Domestic producers, rectifiers, blenders, and warehousemen. | |
27: | SECTION 1.22
| 1.22 Wholesalers. | |
27: | SECTION 1.23
| 1.23 State agencies. | |
27: | SUBJGRP 14
| Persons Entitled to Basic Permits | |
27: | SECTION 1.24
| 1.24 Qualifications of applicants. | |
27: | SUBJGRP 15
| Applications for Permits | |
27: | SECTION 1.25
| 1.25 General. | |
27: | SECTION 1.26
| 1.26 Incomplete or incorrectly executed applications. | |
27: | SECTION 1.27
| 1.27 Change in ownership, management, or control of the applicant. | |
27: | SECTION 1.29
| 1.29 Individual plant or premises. | |
27: | SECTION 1.30
| 1.30 Power of attorney; Form 5000.8 (1534). | |
27: | SECTION 1.31
| 1.31 Denial of permit applications. | |
27: | SUBJGRP 16
| Authorization | |
27: | SECTION 1.35
| 1.35 Authority to issue, amend, deny, suspend, revoke, or annul basic permits. | |
27: | SUBJGRP 17
| Amendment and Duration of Basic Permits | |
27: | SECTION 1.40
| 1.40 Change of name. | |
27: | SECTION 1.41
| 1.41 Change of address. | |
27: | SECTION 1.42
| 1.42 Change in ownership, management, or control of business. | |
27: | SECTION 1.43
| 1.43 Duration of permits. | |
27: | SECTION 1.44
| 1.44 Automatic termination of permits. | |
27: | SUBJGRP 18
| Revocation, Suspension, or Annulment of Basic Permits | |
27: | SECTION 1.50
| 1.50 Revocation or suspension. | |
27: | SECTION 1.51
| 1.51 Annulment. | |
27: | SECTION 1.52
| 1.52 Disposition of stocks of alcoholic beverages upon revocation, annulment, or automatic termination of basic permit. | |
27: | SUBJGRP 19
| Miscellaneous | |
27: | SECTION 1.55
| 1.55 Recalling permits for correction. | |
27: | SECTION 1.56
| 1.56 Oaths and affirmations. | |
27: | SECTION 1.57
| 1.57 Procedure. | |
27: | SECTION 1.58
| 1.58 Filing of permits. | |
27: | SECTION 1.59
| 1.59 Public information as to applications acted upon. | |