Title 25


Part 47 - Uniform Direct Funding And Support For Bureau-operated Schools

PART 47 - UNIFORM DIRECT FUNDING AND SUPPORT FOR BUREAU-OPERATED SCHOOLS Authority:Pub. L. 107-110, 115 Stat. 1425. Source:70 FR 22221, Apr. 28, 2005, unless otherwise noted.

25: 47.1
   47.1 What is the purpose of this part
25: 47.2
   47.2 What definitions apply to terms in this part
25: 47.3
   47.3 How does a Bureau-operated school find out how much funding it will receive
25: 47.4
   47.4 When does OIEP provide funding
25: 47.5
   47.5 What is the school supervisor responsible for
25: 47.6
   47.6 Who has access to local education financial records
25: 47.7
   47.7 What are the expenditure limitations for Bureau-operated schools
25: 47.8
   47.8 Who develops the local educational financial plans
25: 47.9
   47.9 What are the minimum requirements for the local educational financial plan
25: 47.10
   47.10 How is the local educational financial plan developed
25: 47.11
   47.11 Can these funds be used as matching funds for other Federal programs
25: 47.12
   47.12 Information collection.