Title 25


Subchapter F - Tribal Government

25: 61
25: 61.1
     61.1 Definitions.
25: 61.2
     61.2 Purpose.
25: 61.3
     61.3 Information collection.
25: 61.4
     61.4 Qualifications for enrollment and the deadline for filing application forms.
25: 61.5
     61.5 Notices.
25: 61.6
     61.6 Application forms.
25: 61.7
     61.7 Filing of application forms.
25: 61.8
     61.8 Verification forms.
25: 61.9
     61.9 Burden of proof.
25: 61.10
     61.10 Review of applications by tribal authorities.
25: 61.11
     61.11 Action by the Director or Superintendent.
25: 61.12
     61.12 Appeals.
25: 61.13
     61.13 Decision of the Assistant Secretary on appeals.
25: 61.14
     61.14 Preparation, certification and approval of the roll.
25: 61.15
     61.15 Special instructions.
25: 62
25: 62.1
     62.1 Definitions.
25: 62.2
     62.2 Purpose.
25: 62.3
     62.3 Information collection.
25: 62.4
     62.4 Who may appeal.
25: 62.5
     62.5 An appeal.
25: 62.6
     62.6 Filing of an appeal.
25: 62.7
     62.7 Burden of proof.
25: 62.8
     62.8 Advising the tribal committee.
25: 62.9
     62.9 Action by the Superintendent.
25: 62.10
     62.10 Action by the Director.
25: 62.11
     62.11 Action by the Assistant Secretary.
25: 62.12
     62.12 Special instructions.
25: 63
25: A
Subpart A - Purpose, Policy, and Definitions
25: 63.1
     63.1 Purpose.
25: 63.2
     63.2 Policy.
25: 63.3
     63.3 Definitions.
25: 63.4
     63.4 Information collection.
25: 63.5-63.9
     63.5-63.9 [Reserved]
25: B
Subpart B - Minimum Standards of Character and Suitability for Employment
25: 63.10
     63.10 Purpose.
25: 63.11
     63.11 What is a determination of suitability for employment and efficiency of service
25: 63.12
     63.12 What are minimum standards of character
25: 63.13
     63.13 What does the Indian Child Protection and Family Violence Prevention Act require of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and Indian tribes or tribal organizations receiving funds under the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act or the Tribally Controlled Schools Act
25: 63.14
     63.14 What positions require a background investigation and determination of suitability for employment or retention
25: 63.15
     63.15 What questions should an employer ask
25: 63.16
     63.16 Who conducts the background investigation and prepares the determination of suitability for employment
25: 63.17
     63.17 How does an employer determine suitability for employment and efficiency of service
25: 63.18
     63.18 Are the requirements for Bureau of Indian Affairs adjudication different from the requirements for Indian tribes and tribal organizations
25: 63.19
     63.19 When should an employer deny employment or dismiss an employee
25: 63.20
     63.20 What should an employer do if an individual has been charged with an offense but the charge is pending or no disposition has been made by a court
25: 63.21
     63.21 Are there other factors that may disqualify an applicant, volunteer or employee from placement in a position which involves regular contact with or control over Indian children
25: 63.22
     63.22 Can an employer certify an individual with a prior conviction or substantiated misconduct as suitable for employment
25: 63.23
     63.23 What rights does an applicant, volunteer or employee have during this process
25: 63.24
     63.24 What protections must employers provide to applicants, volunteers and employees
25: 63.25-63.29
     63.25-63.29 [Reserved]
25: C
Subpart C - Indian Child Protection and Family Violence Prevention Program
25: 63.30
     63.30 What is the purpose of the Indian child protection and family violence prevention program
25: 63.31
     63.31 Can both the Bureau of Indian Affairs and tribes operate Indian child protection and family violence prevention programs
25: 63.32
     63.32 Under what authority are Indian child protection and family violence prevention program funds awarded
25: 63.33
     63.33 What must an application for Indian child protection and family violence prevention program funds include
25: 63.34
     63.34 How are Indian child protection and family violence prevention program funds distributed
25: 63.35
     63.35 How may Indian child protection and family violence prevention program funds be used
25: 63.36
     63.36 What are the special requirements for Indian child protection and family violence prevention programs
25: 63.37-63.50
     63.37-63.50 [Reserved]
25: 67
25: 67.1
     67.1 Definitions.
25: 67.2
     67.2 Purpose.
25: 67.3
     67.3 Information collection.
25: 67.4
     67.4 Qualifications for enrollment and the deadline for filing application forms.
25: 67.5
     67.5 Notices.
25: 67.6
     67.6 Application forms.
25: 67.7
     67.7 Filing of application forms.
25: 67.8
     67.8 Burden of proof.
25: 67.9
     67.9 Action by Superintendent.
25: 67.10
     67.10 Appeals.
25: 67.11
     67.11 Decision of the Area Director on appeals.
25: 67.12
     67.12 Exhaustion of administrative remedies.
25: 67.13
     67.13 Preparation, certification and approval of the roll.
25: 67.14
     67.14 Preparation of a per capita payment roll.
25: 67.15
     67.15 Special instructions.
25: 75
25: 75.1
     75.1 Definitions.
25: 75.2
     75.2 Purpose.
25: 75.3
     75.3 Announcement of revision of roll.
25: 75.4
     75.4 Basic membership roll.
25: 75.5
     75.5 Removal of deceased persons from the roll.
25: 75.6
     75.6 Additions to the roll.
25: 75.7
     75.7 Applications for enrollment.
25: 75.8
     75.8 Applications for minors and incompetents.
25: 75.9
     75.9 Application form.
25: 75.10
     75.10 Where application forms may be obtained.
25: 75.11
     75.11 Proof of relationship.
25: 75.12
     75.12 Enrollment Committee.
25: 75.13
     75.13 Tenure of Enrollment Committee.
25: 75.14
     75.14 Appeals.
25: 75.15
     75.15 Current membership roll.
25: 75.16
     75.16 Eligibility for enrollment of persons born after August 21, 1957.
25: 75.17
     75.17 Relinquishment of membership.
25: 75.18
     75.18 Adoption.
25: 75.19
     75.19 Distribution of judgment funds.
25: 81
25: A
Subpart A - Purpose and Scope
25: 81.1
     81.1 What is the purpose of this part
25: 81.2
     81.2 When does this part apply
25: 81.3
     81.3 Information collection.
25: B
Subpart B - Definitions
25: 81.4
     81.4 What terms do I need to know
25: C
Subpart C - Provisions Applicable to All Secretarial Elections
25: 81.5
     81.5 What informal review is available to a tribe or petitioner when anticipating adopting or amending a governing document
25: 81.6
     81.6 How is a Secretarial election requested
25: 81.7
     81.7 What technical assistance will the Bureau provide after receiving a request for election
25: 81.8
     81.8 What happens if a governing Federal statute and this part disagree
25: 81.9
     81.9 Will the Secretary give deference to the Tribe's interpretation of its own documents
25: 81.10
     81.10 Who may cast a vote in a Secretarial election
25: 81.11
     81.11 May a tribe establish a voting age different from 18 years of age for Secretarial elections
25: 81.12
     81.12 What type of electioneering is allowed before and during Secretarial election
25: 81.13
     81.13 What types of voting assistance are provided for a Secretarial election
25: 81.14
     81.14 May Secretarial elections be scheduled at the same time as tribal elections
25: 81.15
     81.15 How are conflicting proposals to amend a single document handled
25: 81.16
     81.16 Who pays for holding the Secretarial election
25: 81.17
     81.17 May a tribe use its funds to pay non-Federal election officials
25: 81.18
     81.18 Who can withdraw a request for a Secretarial election
25: D
Subpart D - The Secretarial Election Process under the Indian Reorganization Act (IRA)
25: 81.19
     81.19 How does the Bureau proceed after receiving a request for a Secretarial election
25: 81.20
     81.20 What is the first action to be taken by the Chair of the Election Board
25: 81.21
     81.21 What are the responsibilities of the Secretarial Election Board in conducting a Secretarial election
25: 81.22
     81.22 How is the Secretarial election conducted
25: 81.23
     81.23 What documents are included in the Secretarial Election Notice Packet
25: 81.24
     81.24 What information must be included on the Secretarial election notice
25: 81.25
     81.25 Where will the Secretarial election notice be posted
25: 81.26
     81.26 How does BIA use the information I provide on the registration form
25: 81.27
     81.27 Must I re-register if I have already registered for a tribal or Secretarial election
25: 81.28
     81.28 How do I submit my registration form
25: 81.29
     81.29 Why does the Secretarial Election Board compile a Registered Voters List
25: 81.30
     81.30 What information is contained in the Registered Voters List
25: 81.31
     81.31 Where is the Registered Voters List posted
25: 81.32
     81.32 May the Registered Voters List be challenged
25: 81.33
     81.33 How does the Secretarial Election Board respond to challenges
25: 81.34
     81.34 How are the official ballots prepared
25: 81.35
     81.35 When must the Secretarial Election Board send ballots to voters
25: 81.36
     81.36 What will the mailout or absentee ballot packet include
25: 81.37
     81.37 How do I cast my vote at a polling site
25: 81.38
     81.38 When are ballots counted
25: 81.39
     81.39 How does the Board determine whether the required percentage of registered voters have cast ballots
25: 81.40
     81.40 What happens if a ballot is spoiled before it is cast
25: 81.41
     81.41 Who certifies the results of the Election
25: 81.42
     81.42 Where are the results of the Election posted
25: 81.43
     81.43 How are the results of the Election challenged
25: 81.44
     81.44 What documents are sent to the Authorizing Official
25: 81.45
     81.45 When are the results of the Secretarial election final
25: E
Subpart E - The Secretarial Election Process Under the Oklahoma Indian Welfare Act (OIWA)
25: 81.46
     81.46 How does the Bureau proceed upon receiving a request for an OIWA Election if no provisions are contrary to applicable law
25: 81.47
     81.47 How is the OIWA Secretarial election conducted
25: 81.48
     81.48 When are the results of the OIWA Election final
25: F
Subpart F - Formulating Petitions To Request a Secretarial Election
25: 81.49
     81.49 What is the purpose of this subpart
25: 81.50
     81.50 Who must follow these requirements
25: 81.51
     81.51 How do tribal members circulate a petition to adopt or amend the tribe's governing document
25: 81.52
     81.52 Who may initiate a petition
25: 81.53
     81.53 Who may sign a petition
25: 81.54
     81.54 Who is authorized to submit a petition to the Secretary
25: 81.55
     81.55 How is the petition formatted and signed
25: 81.56
     81.56 Do petitions have a minimum or maximum number of pages
25: 81.57
     81.57 How do I determine how many signatures are needed for a petition to be valid
25: 81.58
     81.58 How long do tribal members have to gather the signatures
25: 81.59
     81.59 How does the spokesperson file a petition
25: 81.60
     81.60 How does the Local Bureau Official process the petition
25: 81.61
     81.61 How can signatures to the petition be challenged
25: 81.62
     81.62 How is the petition validated
25: 81.63
     81.63 May the same petition be used for more than one Secretarial election
25: 82
25: 83
25: A
Subpart A - General Provisions
25: 83.1
     83.1 What terms are used in this part
25: 83.2
     83.2 What is the purpose of the regulations in this part
25: 83.3
     83.3 Who does this part apply to
25: 83.4
     83.4 Who cannot be acknowledged under this part
25: 83.5
     83.5 How does a petitioner obtain Federal acknowledgment under this part
25: 83.6
     83.6 What are the Department's duties
25: 83.7
     83.7 How does this part apply to documented petitions submitted before August 17, 2015
25: 83.8
     83.8 May the deadlines in this part be extended
25: 83.9
     83.9 How does the Paperwork Reduction Act affect the information collections in this part
25: B
Subpart B - Criteria for Federal Acknowledgment
25: 83.10
     83.10 How will the Department evaluate each of the criteria
25: 83.11
     83.11 What are the criteria for acknowledgment as a federally recognized Indian tribe
25: 83.12
     83.12 What are the criteria for a previously federally acknowledged petitioner
25: C
Subpart C - Process for Federal Acknowledgment
25: 78
  Documented Petition Submission and Review
25: 83.20
     83.20 How does an entity request Federal acknowledgment
25: 83.21
     83.21 What must a documented petition include
25: 83.22
     83.22 What notice will OFA provide upon receipt of a documented petition
25: 79
  Review of Documented Petition
25: 83.23
     83.23 How will OFA determine which documented petition to consider first
25: 83.24
     83.24 What opportunity will the petitioner have to respond to comments before OFA reviews the petition
25: 83.25
     83.25 Who will OFA notify when it begins review of a documented petition
25: 83.26
     83.26 How will OFA review a documented petition
25: 83.27
     83.27 What are technical assistance reviews
25: 83.28
     83.28 When does OFA review for previous Federal acknowledgment
25: 83.29
     83.29 What will OFA consider in its reviews
25: 83.30
     83.30 Can a petitioner withdraw its documented petition
25: 83.31
     83.31 Can OFA suspend review of a documented petition
25: 80
  Proposed Finding
25: 83.32
     83.32 When will OFA issue a proposed finding
25: 83.33
     83.33 What will the proposed finding include
25: 83.34
     83.34 What notice of the proposed finding will OFA provide
25: 81
  Proposed Finding - Comment and Response Periods, Hearing
25: 83.35
     83.35 What opportunity to comment will there be after OFA issues the proposed finding
25: 83.36
     83.36 What procedure follows the end of the comment period on a favorable proposed finding
25: 83.37
     83.37 What procedure follows the end of the comment period on a negative proposed finding
25: 83.38
     83.38 What options does the petitioner have at the end of the response period on a negative proposed finding
25: 83.39
     83.39 What is the procedure if the petitioner elects to have a hearing before an ALJ
25: 82
  AS-IA Evaluation and Preparation of Final Determination
25: 83.40
     83.40 When will the Assistant Secretary begin review
25: 83.41
     83.41 What will the Assistant Secretary consider in his/her review
25: 83.42
     83.42 When will the Assistant Secretary issue a final determination
25: 83.43
     83.43 How will the Assistant Secretary make the determination decision
25: 83.44
     83.44 Is the Assistant Secretary's final determination final for the Department
25: 83.45
     83.45 When will the final determination be effective
25: 83.46
     83.46 How is a petitioner with a positive final determination integrated into Federal programs as a federally recognized Indian tribe
25: 84
25: 84.001
     84.001 What is the purpose of this part
25: 84.002
     84.002 What terms must I know
25: 84.003
     84.003 What types of contracts and agreements require Secretarial approval under this part
25: 84.004
     84.004 Are there types of contracts and agreements that do not require Secretarial approval under this part
25: 84.005
     84.005 Will the Secretary approve contracts or agreements even where such approval is not required under this part
25: 84.006
     84.006 Under what circumstances will the Secretary disapprove a contract or agreement that requires Secretarial approval under this part
25: 84.007
     84.007 What is the status of a contract or agreement that requires Secretarial approval under this part but has not yet been approved
25: 84.008
     84.008 What is the effect of the Secretary's disapproval of a contract or agreement that requires Secretarial approval under this part
25: 87
25: 87.1
     87.1 Definitions.
25: 87.2
     87.2 Purpose.
25: 87.3
     87.3 Time limits.
25: 87.4
     87.4 Conduct of hearings of record.
25: 87.5
     87.5 Submittal of proposed plan by Secretary.
25: 87.6
     87.6 Extension of period for submitting plans.
25: 87.7
     87.7 Submittal of proposed legislation by Secretary.
25: 87.8
     87.8 Enrollment aspects of plans.
25: 87.9
     87.9 Programming aspects of plans.
25: 87.10
     87.10 Per capita payment aspects of plans and protection of funds accruing to minors, legal incompetents and deceased beneficiaries.
25: 87.11
     87.11 Investment of judgment funds.
25: 87.12
     87.12 Insuring the proper performance of approved plans.
25: 88
25: 88.1
     88.1 Employment of attorneys.
25: 88.2
     88.2 Employment by tribes or individual claimants.
25: 89
25: 83
  Tribes Organized Under The Indian Reorganization Act
25: 89.1-89.26
     89.1-89.26 [Reserved]
25: 84
  Five Civilized Tribes
25: 89.30
     89.30 Contents and approval of contracts.
25: 89.31
     89.31 Negotiation of contract.
25: 89.32
     89.32 Notice from the principal officer.
25: 89.33
     89.33 Notice from attorney.
25: 89.34
     89.34 Tentative form of contract.
25: 89.35
     89.35 Execution in quintuplet.
25: 85
  Payment of Tribal Attorney Fees With Appropriated Funds
25: 89.40
     89.40 General policy.
25: 89.41
     89.41 Exceptions to policy.
25: 89.42
     89.42 Factors to be considered.
25: 89.43
     89.43 Procedures.
25: 90
25: 86
25: 90.1
     90.1 Definitions.
25: 90.2
     90.2 Statutory provisions.
25: 87
25: 90.21
     90.21 General.
25: 88
25: 90.30
     90.30 Nominating conventions and petitions.
25: 90.31
     90.31 Applicability.
25: 90.32
     90.32 Election Board.
25: 90.33
     90.33 Watchers and challengers.
25: 90.35
     90.35 List of voters.
25: 90.36
     90.36 Disputes on eligibility of voters.
25: 90.37
     90.37 Election notices.
25: 90.38
     90.38 Opening and closing of poll.
25: 90.39
     90.39 Voters to announce name and residence.
25: 90.40
     90.40 Ballots.
25: 90.41
     90.41 Absentee voting.
25: 90.42
     90.42 Absentee ballots.
25: 90.43
     90.43 Canvass of election returns.
25: 90.44
     90.44 Statement of supervisor.
25: 90.45
     90.45 Electioneering.
25: 90.46
     90.46 Notification of election of tribal officers.
25: 90.47
     90.47 Contesting elections.
25: 90.48
     90.48 Notice of contest.
25: 90.49
     90.49 Expenses of elections.
25: 91
25: 91.1
     91.1 Purpose.
25: 91.2
     91.2 Definitions.
25: 91.3
     91.3 Description of village reserves.
25: 91.4
     91.4 Plats of village reserves.
25: 91.5
     91.5 Tracts reserved from selection by individuals.
25: 91.6
     91.6 Custody of public buildings and tracts reserved from selection by individuals; village committees.
25: 91.7
     91.7 Permits to occupy land for dwelling purposes.
25: 91.8
     91.8 Sale or mortgage of improvements.
25: 91.9
     91.9 Inheritance of improvements.
25: 91.10
     91.10 Renting of improvements.
25: 91.11
     91.11 Domestic animals in village reserves.
25: 91.12
     91.12 Business enterprises and public buildings.
25: 91.13
     91.13 Health, sanitation, and sewerage disposal.
25: 91.14
     91.14 Confirmation of permits.
25: 91.15
     91.15 Suspension or amendment of regulations.