Title 22
Subchapter D - Foreign Service Impasse Disputes Panel
22: | PART 1470 | PART 1470 - GENERAL | |
22: | SUBPART A | Subpart A - Purpose | |
22: | SECTION 1470.1 | 1470.1 Purpose. | |
22: | SUBPART B | Subpart B - Definitions | |
22: | SECTION 1470.2 | 1470.2 Definitions. | |
22: | PART 1471 | PART 1471 - PROCEDURES OF THE PANEL | |
22: | SECTION 1471.1 | 1471.1 Request for Panel consideration. | |
22: | SECTION 1471.2 | 1471.2 Content of request. | |
22: | SECTION 1471.3 | 1471.3 Where to file. | |
22: | SECTION 1471.4 | 1471.4 Copies and service. | |
22: | SECTION 1471.5 | 1471.5 Investigation of request; Panel recommendation and assistance. | |
22: | SECTION 1471.6 | 1471.6 Preliminary hearing procedures. | |
22: | SECTION 1471.7 | 1471.7 Conduct of hearing and prehearing conference. | |
22: | SECTION 1471.8 | 1471.8 Report and recommendations. | |
22: | SECTION 1471.9 | 1471.9 Duties of each party following receipt of recommendations. | |
22: | SECTION 1471.10 | 1471.10 Final action by the Panel. | |
22: | PART 1472-1499 | PARTS 1472-1499 [RESERVED] | |
22: | APPENDIX Appendix A | Appendix A to Chapter XIV - Current Addresses and Geographic Jurisdictions | |
22: | APPENDIX Appendix B | Appendix B to Chapter XIV - Memorandum Describing the Authority and Assigned Responsibilities of the General Counsel of the Federal Labor Relations Authority Under the Foreign Service Labor-Management Relations Statute |