Title 22

PART 1471

Part 1471 - Procedures Of The Panel

PART 1471 - PROCEDURES OF THE PANEL Authority:22 U.S.C. 4107(c), 4110. Source:46 FR 45879, Sept. 15, 1981, unless otherwise noted.

22: 1471.1
   1471.1 Request for Panel consideration.
22: 1471.2
   1471.2 Content of request.
22: 1471.3
   1471.3 Where to file.
22: 1471.4
   1471.4 Copies and service.
22: 1471.5
   1471.5 Investigation of request; Panel recommendation and assistance.
22: 1471.6
   1471.6 Preliminary hearing procedures.
22: 1471.7
   1471.7 Conduct of hearing and prehearing conference.
22: 1471.8
   1471.8 Report and recommendations.
22: 1471.9
   1471.9 Duties of each party following receipt of recommendations.
22: 1471.10
   1471.10 Final action by the Panel.