Title 22

PART 1102

Part 1102 - Freedom Of Information Act

PART 1102 - FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT Authority:5 U.S.C. 552 (Pub. L. 90-23, as amended by Pub. L. 93-502 and 99-570). Source:55 FR 35898, Sept. 4, 1990, unless otherwise noted.

22: 1102.1
   1102.1 Purpose.
22: 1102.2
   1102.2 Definitions.
22: 1102.3
   1102.3 Procedures for requesting access to records or information.
22: 1102.4
   1102.4 Fees.
22: 1102.5
   1102.5 Categories of requesters for fee purposes.
22: 1102.6
   1102.6 Fee waivers and appeals.
22: 1102.7
   1102.7 The Section's determination and appeal procedures.
22: 1102.8
   1102.8 Exemptions.
22: 1102.9
   1102.9 Annual report to Congress.
22: 1102.10
   1102.10 Examination of records.