Title 21
SECTION 179.43
179.43 Carbon dioxide laser for etching food.
§ 179.43 Carbon dioxide laser for etching food.Carbon dioxide laser light may be safely used for etching information on the surface of food under the following conditions:
(a) The radiation source consists of a carbon dioxide laser designed to emit pulsed infrared radiation with a wavelength of 10.6 micrometers such that the maximum energy output of the laser does not exceed 9.8 × 10−3 joules per square centimeter (J/cm 2);
(b) The carbon dioxide laser shall be used only for etching information on the skin of fresh, intact citrus fruit, providing the fruit has been adequately washed and waxed prior to laser etching, and the etched area is immediately rewaxed after treatment; and
(c) The maximum total energy to which the etched citrus fruit is exposed from the use of the carbon dioxide laser shall not exceed 1.5 × 10−3 J, and the maximum total etched surface area of the citrus fruit shall not exceed 0.122 cm 2.
[77 FR 34215, June 11, 2012]