Appendix A to Part 380 - Minimum Filing Requirements for Environmental Reports Under the Natural Gas Act
18: : Appendix A
Appendix A to Part 380 - Minimum Filing Requirements for
Environmental Reports Under the Natural Gas Act Environmental
Reports Under the Natural Gas Act. Resource Report 1 - General
Project Description
1. Provide a detailed description and location map of the
project facilities. (§ 380.12(c)(1)).
2. Describe any nonjurisdictional facilities that would be built
in association with the project. (§ 380.12(c)(2)).
3. Provide current original U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
7.5-minute-series topographic maps with mileposts showing the
project facilities; (§ 380.12(c)(3)).
4. Provide aerial images or photographs or alignment sheets
based on these sources with mileposts showing the project
facilities; (§ 380.12(c)(3)).
5. Provide plot/site plans of compressor stations showing the
location of the nearest noise-sensitive areas (NSA) within 1 mile.
(§ 380.12(c)(3,4)).
6. Describe construction and restoration methods. (§
7. Identify the permits required for construction across surface
waters. (§ 380.12(c)(9)).
8. Provide the names and address of all affected landowners and
certify that all affected landowners will be notified as required
in § 157.6(d). (§§ 380.12(c)(10))
Resource Report 2 - Water Use and Quality
1. Identify all perennial surface waterbodies crossed by the
proposed project and their water quality classification. (§
2. Identify all waterbody crossings that may have contaminated
waters or sediments. (§ 380.12(d)(1)).
3. Identify watershed areas, designated surface water protection
areas, and sensitive waterbodies crossed by the proposed project.
(§ 380.12(d)(1)).
4. Provide a table (based on NWI maps if delineations have not
been done) identifying all wetlands, by milepost and length,
crossed by the project (including abandoned pipeline), and the
total acreage and acreage of each wetland type that would be
affected by construction. (§ 380.12(d)(1 & 4)).
5. Discuss construction and restoration methods proposed for
crossing wetlands, and compare them to staff's Wetland and
Waterbody Construction and Mitigation Procedures; (§
6. Describe the proposed waterbody construction, impact
mitigation, and restoration methods to be used to cross surface
waters and compare to the staff's Wetland and Waterbody
Construction and Mitigation Procedures. (§ 380.12(d)(2)).
7. Provide original National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) maps or
the appropriate state wetland maps, if NWI maps are not available,
that show all proposed facilities and include milepost locations
for proposed pipeline routes. (§ 380.12(d)(4)).
8. Identify all U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)- or
state- designated aquifers crossed. (§ 380.12(d)(9)).
Resource Report 3 - Vegetation and Wildlife
1. Classify the fishery type of each surface waterbody that
would be crossed, including fisheries of special concern. (§
2. Describe terrestrial and wetland wildlife and habitats that
would be affected by the project. (§ 380.12(e)(2)).
3. Describe the major vegetative cover types that would be
crossed and provide the acreage of each vegetative cover type that
would be affected by construction. (§ 380.12(e)(3)).
4. Describe the effects of construction and operation procedures
on the fishery resources and proposed mitigation measures. (§
5. Evaluate the potential for short-term, long-term, and
permanent impact on the wildlife resources and state-listed
endangered or threatened species caused by construction and
operation of the project and proposed mitigation measures. (§
6. Identify all federally listed or proposed endangered or
threatened species that potentially occur in the vicinity of the
project and discuss the results of the consultations with other
agencies. Include survey reports as specified in §
7. Identify all federally listed essential fish habitat (EFH)
that potentially occurs in the vicinity of the project and the
results of abbreviated consultations with NMFS, and any resulting
EFH assessments. (§ 380.12(e)(6))
8. Describe any significant biological resources that would be
affected. Describe impact and any mitigation proposed to avoid or
minimize that impact. (§§ 380.12(e)(4 & 7))
Resource Report 4 - Cultural Resources
See § 380.14 and “OPR's Guidelines for Reporting on Cultural
Resources Investigations” for further guidance.
1. Initial cultural resources consultation and documentation,
and documentation of consultation with Native Americans. (§
380.12(f)(1)(i) & (2)).
2. Overview/Survey Report(s). (§ 380.12(f)(1)(ii) & (2)).
Resource Report 5 - Socioeconomics
1. For major aboveground facilities and major pipeline projects
that require an EIS, describe existing socioeconomic conditions
within the project area. (§ 380.12(g)(1)).
2. For major aboveground facilities, quantify impact on
employment, housing, local government services, local tax revenues,
transportation, and other relevant factors within the project area.
(§ 380.12(g)(2-6)).
Resource Report 6 - Geological Resources
1. Identify the location (by milepost) of mineral resources and
any planned or active surface mines crossed by the proposed
facilities. (§ 380.12(h)(1 & 2)).
2. Identify any geologic hazards to the proposed facilities. (§
3. Discuss the need for and locations where blasting may be
necessary in order to construct the proposed facilities. (§
4. For LNG projects in seismic areas, the materials required by
“Data Requirements for the Seismic Review of LNG Facilities,”
NBSIR84-2833. (§ 380.12(h)(5))
5. For underground storage facilities, how drilling activity by
others within or adjacent to the facilities would be monitored, and
how old wells would be located and monitored within the facility
boundaries. (§ 380.12(h)(6))
Resource Report 7 - Soils
1. Identify, describe, and group by milepost the soils affected
by the proposed pipeline and aboveground facilities. (§
2. For aboveground facilities that would occupy sites over 5
acres, determine the acreage of prime farmland soils that would be
affected by construction and operation. (§ 380.12(i)(2))
3. Describe, by milepost, potential impacts on soils. (§
4. Identify proposed mitigation to minimize impact on soils, and
compare with the staff's Upland Erosion Control, Revegetation, and
Maintenance Plan. (§ 380.12(i)(5))
Resource Report 8 - Land Use, Recreation and Aesthetics
1. Classify and quantify land use affected by: (§
a. Pipeline construction and permanent rights-of-way (§
b. Extra work/staging areas (§ 380.12(j)(1));
c. Access roads (§ 380.12(j)(1));
d. Pipe and contractor yards (§ 380.12(j)(1)); and
e. Aboveground facilities (§ 380.12(j)(1)).
2. Identify by milepost all locations where the pipeline
right-of-way would at least partially coincide with existing
right-of-way, where it would be adjacent to existing rights-of-way,
and where it would be outside of existing right-of-way. (§
3. Provide detailed typical construction right-of-way
cross-section diagrams showing information such as widths and
relative locations of existing rights-of-way, new permanent
right-of-way, and temporary construction right-of-way. (§
4. Summarize the total acreage of land affected by construction
and operation of the project. (§ 380.12(j)(1))
5. Identify by milepost all planned residential or
commercial/business development and the time frame for
construction. (§ 380.12(j)(3))
6. Identify by milepost special land uses (e.g., sugar maple
stands, specialty crops, natural areas, national and state forests,
conservation land, etc.). (§ 380.12(j)(4))
7. Identify by beginning milepost and length of crossing all
land administered by Federal, state, or local agencies, or private
conservation organizations. (§ 380.12(j)(4))
8. Identify by milepost all natural, recreational, or scenic
areas, and all registered natural landmarks crossed by the project.
(§ 380.12(j)(4 & 6))
9. Identify all facilities that would be within designated
coastal zone management areas. Provide a consistency determination
or evidence that a request for a consistency determination has been
filed with the appropriate state agency. ((§ 380.12(j)(4 & 7))
10. Identify by milepost all residences that would be within 50
feet of the construction right-of-way or extra work area. (§
11. Identify all designated or proposed candidate National or
State Wild and Scenic Rivers crossed by the project. (§
12. Describe any measures to visually screen aboveground
facilities, such as compressor stations. (§ 380.12(j)(11))
13. Demonstrate that applications for rights-of-way or other
proposed land use have been or soon will be filed with Federal
land-managing agencies with jurisdiction over land that would be
affected by the project. (§ 380.12(j)(12))
Resource Report 9 - Air and Noise Quality
1. Describe existing air quality in the vicinity of the project.
(§ 380.12(k)(1))
2. Quantify the existing noise levels (day-night sound level
(Ldn) and other applicable noise parameters) at noise-sensitive
areas and at other areas covered by relevant state and local noise
ordinances. (§ 380.12(k)(2))
3. Quantify existing and proposed emissions of compressor
equipment, plus construction emissions, including nitrogen oxides
(NOX) and carbon monoxide (CO), and the basis for these
calculations. Summarize anticipated air quality impacts for the
project. (§ 380.12(k)(3))
4. Describe the existing compressor units at each station where
new, additional, or modified compressor units are proposed,
including the manufacturer, model number, and horsepower of the
compressor units. For proposed new, additional, or modified
compressor units include the horsepower, type, and energy source.
(§ 380.12(k)(4)).
5. Identify any nearby noise-sensitive area by distance and
direction from the proposed compressor unit building/enclosure. (§
6. Identify any applicable state or local noise regulations. (§
7. Calculate the noise impact at noise-sensitive areas of the
proposed compressor unit modifications or additions, specifying how
the impact was calculated, including manufacturer's data and
proposed noise control equipment. (§ 380.12(k)(4))
Resource Report 10 - Alternatives
1. Address the “no action” alternative. (§ 380.12(l)(1))
2. For large projects, address the effect of energy conservation
or energy alternatives to the project. (§ 380.12(l)(1))
3. Identify system alternatives considered during the
identification of the project and provide the rationale for
rejecting each alternative. (§ 380.12(l)(1))
4. Identify major and minor route alternatives considered to
avoid impact on sensitive environmental areas (e.g., wetlands,
parks, or residences) and provide sufficient comparative data to
justify the selection of the proposed route. (§
5. Identify alternative sites considered for the location of
major new aboveground facilities and provide sufficient comparative
data to justify the selection of the proposed site. (§
Resource Report 11 - Reliability and Safety
Describe how the project facilities would be designed,
constructed, operated, and maintained to minimize potential hazard
to the public from the failure of project components as a result of
accidents or natural catastrophes. (§ 380.12(m))
Resource Report 12 - PCB Contamination
1. For projects involving the replacement or abandonment of
facilities determined to have PCBs, provide a statement that
activities would comply with an approved EPA disposal permit or
with the requirements of the TSCA. (§ 380.12(n)(1))
2. For compressor station modifications on sites that have been
determined to have soils contaminated with PCBs, describe the
status of remediation efforts completed to date. (§
Resource Report 13 - Additional Information Related to LNG Plants
Provide all the listed detailed engineering materials. (§
[Order 603, 64 FR 26619, May 14, 1999, as amended by Order 603-A,
64 FR 54537, Oct. 7, 1999; Order 609, 64 FR 57392, Oct. 25, 1999;
Order 609-A, 65 FR 15238, Mar. 22, 2000]