Title 17
Subpart C - Tax Refund Offset Authority: 31 U.S.C. 3720A, 31 CFR 285.2(c). Source: 58 FR 64372, Dec. 7, 1993, unless otherwise noted.
- Authority:
- Source:
17: | SECTION 204.50 | 204.50 Purpose. | |
17: | SECTION 204.51 | 204.51 [Reserved] | |
17: | SECTION 204.52 | 204.52 Notification of intent to collect. | |
17: | SECTION 204.53 | 204.53 [Reserved] | |
17: | SECTION 204.54 | 204.54 Commission action as a result of consideration of evidence submitted in response to the notice of intent. | |
17: | SECTION 204.55 | 204.55 Change in notification to Financial Management Service. | |
17: | SECTION 204.56 | 204.56 Administrative charges. | |
17: | SECTION 204.57-204.59 | 204.57-204.59 [Reserved] |