Title 15

PART 990

Part 990 - Natural Resource Damage Assessments

PART 990 - NATURAL RESOURCE DAMAGE ASSESSMENTS Authority:33 U.S.C. 2701 et seq. Source:61 FR 500, Jan. 5, 1996, unless otherwise noted.

15: A
Subpart A - Introduction
15: 990.10
   990.10 Purpose.
15: 990.11
   990.11 Scope.
15: 990.12
   990.12 Overview.
15: 990.13
   990.13 Rebuttable presumption.
15: 990.14
   990.14 Coordination.
15: 990.15
   990.15 Considerations to facilitate restoration.
15: B
Subpart B - Authorities
15: 990.20
   990.20 Relationship to the CERCLA natural resource damage assessment regulations.
15: 990.21
   990.21 Relationship to the NCP.
15: 990.22
   990.22 Prohibition on double recovery.
15: 990.23
   990.23 Compliance with NEPA and the CEQ regulations.
15: 990.24
   990.24 Compliance with other applicable laws and regulations.
15: 990.25
   990.25 Settlement.
15: 990.26
   990.26 Emergency restoration.
15: 990.27
   990.27 Use of assessment procedures.
15: C
Subpart C - Definitions
15: 990.30
   990.30 Definitions.
15: D
Subpart D - Preassessment Phase
15: 990.40
   990.40 Purpose.
15: 990.41
   990.41 Determination of jurisdiction.
15: 990.42
   990.42 Determination to conduct restoration planning.
15: 990.43
   990.43 Data collection.
15: 990.44
   990.44 Notice of Intent to Conduct Restoration Planning.
15: 990.45
   990.45 Administrative record.
15: E
Subpart E - Restoration Planning Phase
15: 990.50
   990.50 Purpose.
15: 990.51
   990.51 Injury assessment - injury determination.
15: 990.52
   990.52 Injury assessment - quantification.
15: 990.53
   990.53 Restoration selection - developing restoration alternatives.
15: 990.54
   990.54 Restoration selection - evaluation of alternatives.
15: 990.55
   990.55 Restoration selection - developing restoration plans.
15: 990.56
   990.56 Restoration selection - use of a Regional Restoration Plan or existing restoration project.
15: F
Subpart F - Restoration Implementation Phase
15: 990.60
   990.60 Purpose.
15: 990.61
   990.61 Administrative record.
15: 990.62
   990.62 Presenting a demand.
15: 990.63
   990.63 Discounting and compounding.
15: 990.64
   990.64 Unsatisfied demands.
15: 990.65
   990.65 Opening an account for recovered damages.
15: 990.66
   990.66 Additional considerations.