Title 15


Subpart D - Procedures for Application Evaluation and Reviews

15: 400.31
   400.31 General application provisions and pre-docketing review.
15: 400.32
   400.32 Procedures for docketing applications and commencement of case review.
15: 400.33
   400.33 Examiner's review - application to establish or modify a zone.
15: 400.34
   400.34 Examiner's review - application for production authority.
15: 400.35
   400.35 Examiner's review - application for subzone designation.
15: 400.36
   400.36 Completion of case review.
15: 400.37
   400.37 Procedure for notification of proposed production activity.
15: 400.38
   400.38 Procedure for application for minor modification of zone.