Title 15

PART 400

Part 400 - Regulations Of The Foreign-trade Zones Board

PART 400 - REGULATIONS OF THE FOREIGN-TRADE ZONES BOARD Authority:Foreign-Trade Zones Act of June 18, 1934, as amended (Pub. L. 73-397, 48 Stat. 998-1003 (19 U.S.C. 81a-81u)). Source:77 FR 12139, Feb. 28, 2012, unless otherwise noted. Editorial Note:Nomenclature changes to part 400 appear at 78 FR 69289, Nov. 19, 2013.

15: A
Subpart A - Scope, Definitions and Authority
15: 400.1
   400.1 Scope.
15: 400.2
   400.2 Definitions.
15: 400.3
   400.3 Authority of the Board.
15: 400.4
   400.4 Authority and responsibilities of the Executive Secretary.
15: 400.5
   400.5 Authority to restrict or prohibit certain zone operations.
15: 400.6
   400.6 Board headquarters.
15: 400.7
   400.7 CBP officials as Board representatives.
15: B
Subpart B - Ability To Establish Zone; Limitations and Restrictions on Authority Granted
15: 400.11
   400.11 Number and location of zones and subzones.
15: 400.12
   400.12 Eligible applicants.
15: 400.13
   400.13 General conditions, prohibitions and restrictions applicable to authorized zones.
15: 400.14
   400.14 Production - requirement for prior authorization; restrictions.
15: 400.15
   400.15 Production equipment.
15: 400.16
   400.16 Exemption from state and local ad valorem taxation of tangible personal property.
15: C
Subpart C - Applications To Establish and Modify Authority
15: 400.21
   400.21 Application to establish a zone.
15: 400.22
   400.22 Notification for production authority.
15: 400.23
   400.23 Application for production authority.
15: 400.24
   400.24 Application for expansion or other modification to zone.
15: 400.25
   400.25 Application for subzone designation.
15: 400.26
   400.26 Criteria for evaluation of applications for expansions, subzones or other modifications of zones.
15: 400.27
   400.27 Criteria applicable to evaluation of applications for production authority.
15: 400.28
   400.28 Burden of proof.
15: 400.29
   400.29 Application fees.
15: D
Subpart D - Procedures for Application Evaluation and Reviews
15: 400.31
   400.31 General application provisions and pre-docketing review.
15: 400.32
   400.32 Procedures for docketing applications and commencement of case review.
15: 400.33
   400.33 Examiner's review - application to establish or modify a zone.
15: 400.34
   400.34 Examiner's review - application for production authority.
15: 400.35
   400.35 Examiner's review - application for subzone designation.
15: 400.36
   400.36 Completion of case review.
15: 400.37
   400.37 Procedure for notification of proposed production activity.
15: 400.38
   400.38 Procedure for application for minor modification of zone.
15: E
Subpart E - Operation of Zones and Administrative Requirements
15: 400.41
   400.41 General operation of zones; requirements for commencement of operations.
15: 400.42
   400.42 Operation as public utility.
15: 400.43
   400.43 Uniform treatment.
15: 400.44
   400.44 Zone schedule.
15: 400.45
   400.45 Complaints related to public utility and uniform treatment.
15: 400.46
   400.46 Grantee liability.
15: 400.47
   400.47 Retail trade.
15: 400.48
   400.48 Zone-restricted merchandise.
15: 400.49
   400.49 Monitoring and reviews of zone operations and activity.
15: F
Subpart F - Records, Reports, Notice, Hearings and Information
15: 400.51
   400.51 Records and reports.
15: 400.52
   400.52 Notices and hearings.
15: 400.53
   400.53 Official records; public access.
15: 400.54
   400.54 Information.
15: G
Subpart G - Penalties and Appeals to the Board
15: 400.61
   400.61 Revocation of authority.
15: 400.62
   400.62 Fines, penalties and instructions to suspend activated status.
15: 400.63
   400.63 Appeals to the Board of decisions of the Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and Compliance and the Executive Secretary.