Title 15


Part 40 - Training Of Foreign Participants In Census Procedures And General Statistics

PART 40 - TRAINING OF FOREIGN PARTICIPANTS IN CENSUS PROCEDURES AND GENERAL STATISTICS Authority:5 U.S.C. 301; 22 U.S.C. 1456; 31 U.S.C. 686. Memorandum of Agreement between the Department of Commerce and the Foreign Operations Administration Concerning Foreign Technical Assistance Work, signed June 10, 1954. Source:28 FR 119, Jan. 4, 1963, unless otherwise noted.

15: 40.1
   40.1 Type of grant.
15: 40.2
   40.2 Qualifications.
15: 40.3
   40.3 Cooperation with bilateral technical assistance programs of the United States.
15: 40.4
   40.4 Administrative provisions on selection of participants and funding of costs.
15: 40.5
   40.5 Other cooperative arrangements.