Title 15


Subpart H - Disciplinary Actions Concerning Post-Employment Conflict of Interest Violations Authority:18 U.S.C. 207(j); 5 CFR 737.27. Source:49 FR 32057, Aug. 10, 1984; 50 FR 928, Jan. 8, 1985, unless otherwise noted.

15: 0.735-42
   0.735-42 Scope.
15: 0.735-43
   0.735-43 Report of violations and investigation.
15: 0.735-44
   0.735-44 Initiation of proceedings.
15: 0.735-45
   0.735-45 Notice.
15: 0.735-46
   0.735-46 Hearing.
15: 0.735-47
   0.735-47 Decision absent a hearing.
15: 0.735-48
   0.735-48 Administrative appeal.
15: 0.735-49
   0.735-49 Sanctions.
15: 0.735-50
   0.735-50 Judicial review.
15: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Part 0 - Statutes Governing Conduct of Federal Employees