Title 12


Appendix A to Subpart D of Part 34 - Interagency Guidelines for Real Estate Lending

12: : Appendix A

Appendix A to Subpart D of Part 34 - Interagency Guidelines for Real Estate Lending

The agencies' regulations require that each insured depository institution adopt and maintain a written policy that establishes appropriate limits and standards for all extensions of credit that are secured by liens on or interests in real estate or made for the purpose of financing the construction of a building or other improvements. 1 These guidelines are intended to assist institutions in the formulation and maintenance of a real estate lending policy that is appropriate to the size of the institution and the nature and scope of its individual operations, as well as satisfies the requirements of the regulation.

1 The agencies have adopted a uniform rule on real estate lending. See 12 CFR part 365 (FDIC); 12 CFR part 208, subpart C (FRB); 12 CFR part 34, subpart D (OCC); and 12 CFR 563.100-101 (OTS).

Each institution's policies must be comprehensive, and consistent with safe and sound lending practices, and must ensure that the institution operates within limits and according to standards that are reviewed and approved at least annually by the board of directors. Real estate lending is an integral part of many institutions' business plans and, when undertaken in a prudent manner, will not be subject to examiner criticism.

Loan Portfolio Management Considerations

The lending policy should contain a general outline of the scope and distribution of the institution's credit facilities and the manner in which real estate loans are made, serviced, and collected. In particular, the institution's policies on real estate lending should:

• Identify the geographic areas in which the institution will consider lending.

• Establish a loan portfolio diversification policy and set limits for real estate loans by type and geographic market (e.g., limits on higher risk loans).

• Identify appropriate terms and conditions by type of real estate loan.

• Establish loan origination and approval procedures, both generally and by size and type of loan.

• Establish prudent underwriting standards that are clear and measurable, including loan-to-value limits, that are consistent with these supervisory guidelines.

• Establish review and approval procedures for exception loans, including loans with loan-to-value percentages in excess of supervisory limits.

• Establish loan administration procedures, including documentation, disbursement, collateral inspection, collection, and loan review.

• Establish real estate appraisal and evaluation programs.

• Require that management monitor the loan portfolio and provide timely and adequate reports to the board of directors.

The institution should consider both internal and external factors in the formulation of its loan policies and strategic plan. Factors that should be considered include:

• The size and financial condition of the institution.

• The expertise and size of the lending staff.

• The need to avoid undue concentrations of risk.

• Compliance with all real estate related laws and regulations, including the Community Reinvestment Act, anti-discrimination laws, and for savings associations, the Qualified Thrift Lender test.

• Market conditions.

The institution should monitor conditions in the real estate markets in its lending area so that it can react quickly to changes in market conditions that are relevant to its lending decisions. Market supply and demand factors that should be considered include:

• Demographic indicators, including population and employment trends.

• Zoning requirements.

• Current and projected vacancy, construction, and absorption rates.

• Current and projected lease terms, rental rates, and sales prices, including concessions.

• Current and projected operating expenses for different types of projects.

• Economic indicators, including trends and diversification of the lending area.

• Valuation trends, including discount and direct capitalization rates.

Underwriting Standards

Prudently underwritten real estate loans should reflect all relevant credit factors, including:

• The capacity of the borrower, or income from the underlying property, to adequately service the debt.

• The value of the mortgaged property.

• The overall creditworthiness of the borrower.

• The level of equity invested in the property.

• Any secondary sources of repayment.

• Any additional collateral or credit enhancements (such as guarantees, mortgage insurance or takeout commitments).

The lending policies should reflect the level of risk that is acceptable to the board of directors and provide clear and measurable underwriting standards that enable the institution's lending staff to evaluate these credit factors. The underwriting standards should address:

• The maximum loan amount by type of property.

• Maximum loan maturities by type of property.

• Amortization schedules.

• Pricing structure for different types of real estate loans.

• Loan-to-value limits by type of property.

For development and construction projects, and completed commercial properties, the policy should also establish, commensurate with the size and type of the project or property:

• Requirements for feasibility studies and sensitivity and risk analyses (e.g., sensitivity of income projections to changes in economic variables such as interest rates, vacancy rates, or operating expenses).

• Minimum requirements for initial investment and maintenance of hard equity by the borrower (e.g., cash or unencumbered investment in the underlying property).

• Minimum standards for net worth, cash flow, and debt service coverage of the borrower or underlying property.

• Standards for the acceptability of and limits on non-amortizing loans.

• Standards for the acceptability of and limits on the use of interest reserves.

• Pre-leasing and pre-sale requirements for income-producing property.

• Pre-sale and minimum unit release requirements for non-income-producing property loans.

• Limits on partial recourse or nonrecourse loans and requirements for guarantor support.

• Requirements for takeout commitments.

• Minimum covenants for loan agreements.

Loan Administration

The institution should also establish loan administration procedures for its real estate portfolio that address:

• Documentation, including:

Type and frequency of financial statements, including requirements for verification of information provided by the borrower; Type and frequency of collateral evaluations (appraisals and other estimates of value).

• Loan closing and disbursement.

• Payment processing.

• Escrow administration.

• Collateral administration.

• Loan payoffs.

• Collections and foreclosure, including:

Delinquency follow-up procedures; Foreclosure timing; Extensions and other forms of forbearance; Acceptance of deeds in lieu of foreclosure.

• Claims processing (e.g., seeking recovery on a defaulted loan covered by a government guaranty or insurance program).

• Servicing and participation agreements.

Supervisory Loan-to-Value Limits

Institutions should establish their own internal loan-to-value limits for real estate loans. These internal limits should not exceed the following supervisory limits:

Loan category Loan-to-value limit (percent)
Raw land 65
Land development 75
Commercial, multifamily, 1 and other nonresidential 80
1- to 4-family residential 85
Improved property 85
Owner-occupied 1- to 4-family and home equity ( 2)