Title 41

SECTION 302-3.227

302-3.227 If I become divorced from my spouse or terminate my committed relationship with my domestic partner while OCONUS will I receive reimbursement to return my former spouse or domestic partner and dependents to the U.S.

§ 302-3.227 If I become divorced from my spouse or terminate my committed relationship with my domestic partner while OCONUS will I receive reimbursement to return my former spouse or domestic partner and dependents to the U.S.?

Yes, if you become divorced from your spouse or terminate your committed relationship with your domestic partner while OCONUS, you will receive reimbursement to return your former spouse or domestic partner and dependents to their place of actual residence within or outside CONUS.

[FTR Amdt. 98, 66 FR 58196, Nov. 20, 2001, as amended by FTR Amdt. 2010-06, 75 FR 67631, Nov. 3, 2010]