Title 24

PART 882

Part 882 - Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Programs

PART 882 - SECTION 8 MODERATE REHABILITATION PROGRAMS Authority:42 U.S.C. 1437f and 3535(d). Source:43 FR 61246, Dec. 29, 1978, unless otherwise noted.

24: A
Subpart A - Applicability, Scope and Basic Policies
24: 882.101
   882.101 Applicability.
24: 882.102
   882.102 Definitions.
24: 882.103-882.122
   882.103-882.122 [Reserved]
24: 882.123
   882.123 Conversion of Section 23 Units to Section 8 and Section 23 monitoring.
24: 882.124
   882.124 Audit.
24: B
Subparts B-C [Reserved]
24: D
Subpart D - Special Procedures for Moderate Rehabilitation - Basic Policies
24: 882.401
   882.401 Eligible properties.
24: 882.402
   882.402 [Reserved]
24: 882.403
   882.403 ACC, housing assistance payments contract, and lease.
24: 882.404
   882.404 Physical condition standards; physical inspection requirements.
24: 882.405
   882.405 Financing.
24: 882.406
   882.406 [Reserved]
24: 882.407
   882.407 Other Federal requirements.
24: 882.408
   882.408 Initial contract rents.
24: 882.409
   882.409 Contract rents at end of rehabilitation loan term.
24: 882.410
   882.410 Rent adjustments.
24: 882.411
   882.411 Payments for vacancies.
24: 882.412
   882.412 Subcontracting of owner services.
24: 882.413
   882.413 Responsibility of the Family.
24: 882.414
   882.414 Security and utility deposits.
24: E
Subpart E - Special Procedures for Moderate Rehabilitation - Program Development and Operation
24: 882.501-882.506
   882.501-882.506 [Reserved]
24: 882.507
   882.507 Completion of rehabilitation.
24: 882.508
   882.508 [Reserved]
24: 882.509
   882.509 Overcrowded and under occupied units.
24: 882.510
   882.510 Adjustment of utility allowance.
24: 882.511
   882.511 Lease and termination of tenancy.
24: 882.512
   882.512 Reduction of number of units covered by contract.
24: 882.513
   882.513 Public notice to low-income families; waiting list.
24: 882.514
   882.514 Family participation.
24: 882.515
   882.515 Reexamination of family income and composition.
24: 882.516
   882.516 Maintenance, operation and inspections.
24: 882.517
   882.517 HUD review of contract compliance.
24: 882.518
   882.518 Denial of admission and termination of assistance for criminals and alcohol abusers.
24: F
Subparts F-G [Reserved]
24: H
Subpart H - Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program for Homeless Individuals
24: 882.801
   882.801 Purpose.
24: 882.802
   882.802 Definitions.
24: 882.803
   882.803 Project eligibility and other requirements.
24: 882.804
   882.804 Other Federal requirements.
24: 882.805
   882.805 HA application process, ACC execution, and pre-rehabilitation activities.
24: 882.806
   882.806 Agreement to enter into housing assistance payments contract.
24: 882.807
   882.807 Housing assistance payments contract.
24: 882.808
   882.808 Management.
24: 882.809
   882.809 Waivers.
24: 882.810
   882.810 Displacement, relocation, and acquisition.