Title 24


Subpart D - Special Procedures for Moderate Rehabilitation - Basic Policies Source:47 FR 34379, Aug. 9, 1982, unless otherwise noted.

24: 882.401
   882.401 Eligible properties.
24: 882.402
   882.402 [Reserved]
24: 882.403
   882.403 ACC, housing assistance payments contract, and lease.
24: 882.404
   882.404 Physical condition standards; physical inspection requirements.
24: 882.405
   882.405 Financing.
24: 882.406
   882.406 [Reserved]
24: 882.407
   882.407 Other Federal requirements.
24: 882.408
   882.408 Initial contract rents.
24: 882.409
   882.409 Contract rents at end of rehabilitation loan term.
24: 882.410
   882.410 Rent adjustments.
24: 882.411
   882.411 Payments for vacancies.
24: 882.412
   882.412 Subcontracting of owner services.
24: 882.413
   882.413 Responsibility of the Family.
24: 882.414
   882.414 Security and utility deposits.