Title 24


Subpart H - Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program for Homeless Individuals Source:61 FR 48057, Sept. 11, 1996, unless otherwise noted.

24: 882.801
   882.801 Purpose.
24: 882.802
   882.802 Definitions.
24: 882.803
   882.803 Project eligibility and other requirements.
24: 882.804
   882.804 Other Federal requirements.
24: 882.805
   882.805 HA application process, ACC execution, and pre-rehabilitation activities.
24: 882.806
   882.806 Agreement to enter into housing assistance payments contract.
24: 882.807
   882.807 Housing assistance payments contract.
24: 882.808
   882.808 Management.
24: 882.809
   882.809 Waivers.
24: 882.810
   882.810 Displacement, relocation, and acquisition.