Title 8

PART 213a

Part 213a - Affidavits Of Support On Behalf Of Immigrants

PART 213a - AFFIDAVITS OF SUPPORT ON BEHALF OF IMMIGRANTS Authority:8 U.S.C. 1183a; 8 CFR part 2. Source:62 FR 54352, Oct. 20, 1997, unless otherwise noted.

8: 213a.1
   213a.1 Definitions.
8: 213a.2
   213a.2 Use of affidavit of support.
8: 213a.3
   213a.3 Change of address.
8: 213a.4
   213a.4 Actions for reimbursement, public notice, and congressional reports.
8: 213a.5
   213a.5 Relationship of this part to other affidavits of support.