Title 7


Subpart B - Administrative Requirements Source:37 FR 23325, Nov. 2, 1972, unless otherwise noted.

7: 492
7: 987.101
   987.101 Lot.
7: 987.102
   987.102 Lot number.
7: 987.104
   987.104 Major marketing promotion.
7: 987.105
   987.105 Whole equivalent of pitted dates.
7: 493
Identification and Outlet Specifications
7: 987.112
   987.112 Identification of dates.
7: 987.112a
   987.112a Grade, size, and container requirements for each outlet category.
7: 494
7: 987.124
   987.124 Nomination and polling.
7: 987.138
   987.138 Handlers of record.
7: 495
7: 987.141
   987.141 Inspection and certification.
7: 496
Volume Regulation
7: 987.145
   987.145 Withholding obligation.
7: 497
7: 987.147
   987.147 Surplus.
7: 498
Qualification to Regulation
7: 987.151
   987.151 Interhandler transfers.
7: 987.152
   987.152 Exemption from regulations.
7: 987.157
   987.157 Approved date product manufacturers.
7: 499
Reports and Records
7: 987.161
   987.161 Handler carryover.
7: 987.162
   987.162 Handler acquisition and disposition.
7: 987.164
   987.164 Shipments of product dates and disposition of restricted dates in approved product outlets.
7: 987.165
   987.165 Other reports.
7: 987.168
   987.168 Handler records.
7: 987.172
   987.172 Adjustment of assessment obligation, and late payment and interest charges.