Title 7

PART 956

Part 956 - Sweet Onions Grown In The Walla Walla Valley Of Southeast Washington And Northeast Oregon

PART 956 - SWEET ONIONS GROWN IN THE WALLA WALLA VALLEY OF SOUTHEAST WASHINGTON AND NORTHEAST OREGON Authority:7 U.S.C. 601-674. Source:60 FR 27626, May 24, 1995, unless otherwise noted.

7: A
Subpart A - Order Regulating Handling
7: 284
7: 956.1
   956.1 Secretary.
7: 956.2
   956.2 Act.
7: 956.3
   956.3 Person.
7: 956.4
   956.4 Production area.
7: 956.5
   956.5 Walla Walla Sweet Onions.
7: 956.6
   956.6 Handler.
7: 956.7
   956.7 Registered handler.
7: 956.8
   956.8 Handle.
7: 956.9
   956.9 Container.
7: 956.10
   956.10 Producer.
7: 956.11
   956.11 Varieties.
7: 956.12
   956.12 Committee.
7: 956.13
   956.13 Fiscal period.
7: 956.14
   956.14 [Reserved]
7: 956.15
   956.15 Grade and size.
7: 956.16
   956.16 Pack.
7: 285
   Administrative Committee
7: 956.20
   956.20 Establishment and membership.
7: 956.21
   956.21 Term of office.
7: 956.22
   956.22 Nominations.
7: 956.23
   956.23 Selection.
7: 956.24
   956.24 Qualification and acceptance.
7: 956.25
   956.25 Alternates.
7: 956.26
   956.26 Vacancies.
7: 956.27
   956.27 Failure to nominate.
7: 956.28
   956.28 Procedure.
7: 956.29
   956.29 Expenses.
7: 956.30
   956.30 Powers.
7: 956.31
   956.31 Duties.
7: 286
   Expenses and Assessments
7: 956.40
   956.40 Expenses.
7: 956.41
   956.41 Budget.
7: 956.42
   956.42 Assessments.
7: 956.43
   956.43 Accounting.
7: 956.44
   956.44 Excess funds.
7: 956.45
   956.45 Contributions.
7: 287
   Research and Development
7: 956.50
   956.50 Research and development.
7: 288
7: 956.60
   956.60 Marketing policy.
7: 956.61
   956.61 Recommendation for regulations.
7: 956.62
   956.62 Issuance of regulations.
7: 956.63
   956.63 Handling for specified purposes.
7: 956.64
   956.64 Minimum quantities.
7: 956.65
   956.65 Notification of regulations.
7: 956.66
   956.66 Safeguards.
7: 289
7: 956.70
   956.70 Inspection and certification.
7: 290
7: 956.80
   956.80 Reports and recordkeeping.
7: 291
   Miscellaneous Provisions
7: 956.85
   956.85 Termination or suspension.
7: 956.87
   956.87 Proceedings after termination.
7: 956.88
   956.88 Effect of termination or amendment.
7: 956.89
   956.89 Compliance.
7: 956.90
   956.90 Right of the Secretary.
7: 956.91
   956.91 Duration of immunities.
7: 956.92
   956.92 Agents.
7: 956.93
   956.93 Derogation.
7: 956.94
   956.94 Personal liability.
7: 956.95
   956.95 Separability.
7: 956.96
   956.96 Amendments.
7: B
Subpart B - Administrative Requirements
7: 956.113
   956.113 Fiscal period.
7: 956.142
   956.142 Interest charges.
7: 956.162
   956.162 Container markings.
7: 956.163
   956.163 Handling for specified purposes.
7: 956.180
   956.180 Reports.
7: 956.202
   956.202 Assessment rate.