Title 7


Subpart B - Administrative Requirements

7: 230
7: 946.100
   946.100 Order.
7: 946.101
   946.101 Marketing agreement.
7: 946.102
   946.102 Terms.
7: 946.103
   946.103 Reestablishment of districts.
7: 946.104
   946.104 Reestablishment and reapportionment of committee.
7: 231
Special Purpose Certificates
7: 946.120
   946.120 Application.
7: 946.121
   946.121 Issuance.
7: 946.122
   946.122 Reports.
7: 946.123
   946.123 Denial and appeals.
7: 232
Modification of Inspection Requirements
7: 946.130
   946.130 Application.
7: 946.131
   946.131 Issuance.
7: 946.132
   946.132 Reports.
7: 946.133
   946.133 Cancellation.
7: 946.140
   946.140 Handling potatoes for commercial processing into products.
7: 946.141
   946.141 Late payment and interest charge.
7: 946.142
   946.142 Operating reserve.
7: 946.143
   946.143 Assessment reports.
7: 946.248
   946.248 Assessment rate.