Title 7


Subpart B - Administrative Requirements

7: 929.101
   929.101 Minimum exemption.
7: 929.102
   929.102 Procedure to determine quantity of screened cranberries in unscreened lots.
7: 929.103
   929.103 Inspection procedure.
7: 929.104
   929.104 Outlets for excess cranberries.
7: 929.105
   929.105 Reporting.
7: 929.106
   929.106 Fiscal period.
7: 929.107
   929.107 Conversion.
7: 929.108
   929.108 Outlets for restricted cranberries.
7: 929.110
   929.110 Transfers or sales of cranberry acreage.
7: 929.125
   929.125 Committee review procedures.
7: 929.142
   929.142 Reserve.
7: 929.149
   929.149 Determination of sales history.
7: 929.150
   929.150 Transfer or assignment of sales history.
7: 929.152
   929.152 Delinquent assessments.
7: 929.157
   929.157 Handler diversion.
7: 929.158
   929.158 Exemptions.
7: 929.159
   929.159 Excess cranberries.
7: 929.160
   929.160 Public member eligibility requirements and nomination procedures.
7: 929.161
   929.161 Nomination and balloting procedures for candidates other than the major cooperative marketing organization.
7: 929.162
   929.162 Handler diversion reports.