Title 7

PART 784

Part 784 - 2004 Ewe Lamb Replacement And Retention Payment Program

PART 784 - 2004 EWE LAMB REPLACEMENT AND RETENTION PAYMENT PROGRAM Authority:Clause (3) of section 32 of the Act of August 24, 1935, as amended; 7 U.S.C. 612c. Source:69 FR 76837, Dec. 23, 2004, unless otherwise noted.

7: 784.1
   784.1 Applicability.
7: 784.2
   784.2 Administration.
7: 784.3
   784.3 Definitions.
7: 784.4
   784.4 Time and method of application.
7: 784.5
   784.5 Payment eligibility.
7: 784.6
   784.6 Rate of payment and limitations on funding.
7: 784.7
   784.7 Availability of funds.
7: 784.8
   784.8 Appeals.
7: 784.9
   784.9 Misrepresentation and scheme or device.
7: 784.10
   784.10 Estates, trusts, and minors.
7: 784.11
   784.11 Death, incompetence, or disappearance.
7: 784.12
   784.12 Maintaining records.
7: 784.13
   784.13 Refunds; joint and several liability.
7: 784.14
   784.14 Offsets and withholdings.
7: 784.15
   784.15 Assignments.
7: 784.16
   784.16 Termination of program.