Title 7

PART 782

Part 782 - End-use Certificate Program

PART 782 - END-USE CERTIFICATE PROGRAM Authority:19 U.S.C. 3391(f). Source:60 FR 5089, Jan. 26, 1995, unless otherwise noted. Editorial Note:Nomenclature changes to part 782 appear at 61 FR 32643, June 25, 1996. Effective Date Note:At 77 FR 51459, Aug. 24, 2012, part 782 was suspended, effective Aug. 31, 2012.

7: A
Subpart A - General
7: 782.1
   782.1 Basis and purpose.
7: 782.2
   782.2 Definitions.
7: 782.3
   782.3 Administration.
7: 782.4
   782.4 OMB control numbers assigned pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act.
7: B
Subpart B - Implementation of the End-Use Certificate Program
7: 782.10
   782.10 Identification of commodities subject to end-use certificate regulations.
7: 782.11
   782.11 Extent to which commodities are subject to end-use certificate regulations.
7: 782.12
   782.12 Filing FSA-750, End-Use Certificate for Wheat.
7: 782.13
   782.13 Importer responsibilities.
7: 782.14
   782.14 Identity preservation.
7: 782.15
   782.15 Filing FSA-751, Wheat Consumption and Resale Report.
7: 782.16
   782.16 Designating end use on form FSA-751.
7: 782.17
   782.17 Wheat purchased for resale.
7: 782.18
   782.18 Wheat purchased for export.
7: 782.19
   782.19 Penalty for noncompliance.
7: C
Subpart C - Records and Reports
7: 782.20
   782.20 Importer records and reports.
7: 782.21
   782.21 End-user and exporter records and reports.
7: 782.22
   782.22 Subsequent buyer records and reports.
7: 782.23
   782.23 Failure to file end-use certificates or consumption and resale reports.
7: 782.24
   782.24 Recordkeeping and examination of records.
7: 782.25
   782.25 Length of time records are to be kept.