Title 7

PART 769

Part 769 - Highly Fractionated Indian Land Loan Program

PART 769 - HIGHLY FRACTIONATED INDIAN LAND LOAN PROGRAM Authority:5 U.S.C. 301, 7 U.S.C. 1989, and 25 U.S.C. 488. Source:80 FR 74970, Dec. 1, 2015, unless otherwise noted.

7: 769.101
   769.101 Purpose.
7: 769.102
   769.102 Abbreviations and definitions
7: 769.103
   769.103 Eligibility requirements of the intermediary lender.
7: 769.104
   769.104 Requirements of the ultimate recipient.
7: 769.105
   769.105 Authorized loan purposes.
7: 769.106
   769.106 Limitations.
7: 769.107
   769.107 Rates and terms.
7: 769.108
   769.108 Security requirements for HFIL loans and the ultimate recipients.
7: 769.109
   769.109 Intermediary lender's application.
7: 769.110
   769.110 Letter of conditions.
7: 769.111
   769.111 Loan approval and obligating funds.
7: 769.120
   769.120 Loan closing.
7: 769.121
   769.121 Maintenance and monitoring of HFIL revolving fund.
7: 769.122
   769.122 Loan servicing.
7: 769.123
   769.123 Transfer and assumption.
7: 769.124
   769.124 Appeals.
7: 769.125
   769.125 Exceptions.