Title 7

PART 650

Part 650 - Compliance With Nepa


7: A
Subpart A - Procedures for NRCS-Assisted Programs
7: 650.1
   650.1 Purpose.
7: 650.2
   650.2 Applicability.
7: 650.3
   650.3 Policy.
7: 650.4
   650.4 Definition of terms.
7: 650.5
   650.5 Environmental evaluation in planning.
7: 650.6
   650.6 Categorical exclusions.
7: 650.7
   650.7 When to prepare an EIS.
7: 650.8
   650.8 When to prepare an environmental assessment (EA).
7: 650.9
   650.9 NEPA and interagency planning.
7: 650.10
   650.10 Adoption of an EIS prepared by a cooperating agency.
7: 650.11
   650.11 Environmental documents.
7: 650.12
   650.12 NRCS decisionmaking.
7: 650.13
   650.13 Review and comment.
7: B
Subpart B - Related Environmental Concerns
7: 650.20
   650.20 Reviewing and commenting on EIS's prepared by other agencies.
7: 650.21
   650.21 Working relations with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and related State environmental agencies.
7: 650.22
   650.22 Rare, threatened, and endangered species of plants and animals.
7: 650.23
   650.23 Natural areas.
7: 650.24
   650.24 Scenic beauty (visual resource).
7: 650.25
   650.25 Flood-plain management.