Title 7

PART 623

Part 623 - Emergency Wetlands Reserve Program

PART 623 - EMERGENCY WETLANDS RESERVE PROGRAM Authority:16 U.S.C. 3837-3837f; Pub. L. 103-75, Chapter 1, 107 Stat. 739, 742. Source:58 FR 62497, Nov. 29, 1993, unless otherwise noted.

7: 623.1
   623.1 Purpose and scope.
7: 623.2
   623.2 Definitions.
7: 623.3
   623.3 Eligible person.
7: 623.4
   623.4 Eligible land.
7: 623.5
   623.5 Ineligible land.
7: 623.6
   623.6 Transfer of lands from the CRP to the EWRP.
7: 623.7
   623.7 Terms of the easement.
7: 623.8
   623.8 Easement value.
7: 623.9
   623.9 Easement priority.
7: 623.10
   623.10 Application to participate.
7: 623.11
   623.11 Obligations of the landowner.
7: 623.12
   623.12 Payments to landowners by NRCS.
7: 623.13
   623.13 Wetlands reserve plan of operations.
7: 623.14
   623.14 Easement modifications.
7: 623.15
   623.15 Transfer of land.
7: 623.16
   623.16 Monitoring and enforcement of easement terms and conditions.
7: 623.17
   623.17 Violations and remedies.
7: 623.18
   623.18 Access to land.
7: 623.19
   623.19 Assignments.
7: 623.20
   623.20 Appeals.
7: 623.21
   623.21 Scheme and device.
7: 623.22
   623.22 Filing of false claims.