Title 7

PART 610

Part 610 - Technical Assistance

PART 610 - TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Authority:16 U.S.C. 590a-f, 590q, 2005b, 3861, and 3862. Source:42 FR 38169, July 27, 1977, unless otherwise noted.

7: A
Subpart A - Conservation Operations
7: 610.1
   610.1 Purpose.
7: 610.2
   610.2 Scope.
7: 610.3
   610.3 Assistance through conservation districts.
7: 610.4
   610.4 Technical assistance furnished.
7: 610.5
   610.5 Interdisciplinary assistance.
7: B
Subpart B - Soil Erosion Prediction Equations
7: 610.11
   610.11 Purpose and scope.
7: 610.12
   610.12 Equations for predicting soil loss due to water erosion.
7: 610.13
   610.13 Equations for predicting soil loss due to wind erosion.
7: 610.14
   610.14 Use of USLE, RUSLE, and WEQ.
7: C
Subpart C - State Technical Committees
7: 610.21
   610.21 Purpose and scope.
7: 610.22
   610.22 State Technical Committee membership.
7: 610.23
   610.23 State Technical Committee meetings.
7: 610.24
   610.24 Responsibilities of State Technical Committees.
7: 610.25
   610.25 Subcommittees and Local Working Groups.
7: D
Subpart D - Conservation of Private Grazing Land
7: 610.31
   610.31 Purpose and scope.
7: 610.32
   610.32 Technical assistance furnished.