Title 7


Subpart A - General Provisions Authority:Sec. 8, 65 Stat. 75; 19 U.S.C. 1365. Source:17 FR 8287, Sept. 16, 1952; 19 FR 57, Jan. 6, 1954, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 85 FR 31937, May 28, 2020

7: 6.2
   6.2 Responsibility for actions under section 22 and section 8(a).
7: 6.3
   6.3 Requests by interested persons for action by Department of Agriculture.
7: 6.4
   6.4 Investigations.
7: 6.5
   6.5 Hearings under section 22.
7: 6.6
   6.6 Submission of recommendations under section 22.
7: 6.7
   6.7 Submission of recommendations under section 8(a) (emergency treatment).
7: 6.8
   6.8 Representation at Tariff Commission hearings.
7: 6.9
   6.9 Information.