Title 7

PART 502

Part 502 - Conduct On Beltsville Agriculture Research Center Property, Beltsville, Maryland

PART 502 - CONDUCT ON BELTSVILLE AGRICULTURE RESEARCH CENTER PROPERTY, BELTSVILLE, MARYLAND Authority:Secs. 2, 4, 62 Stat. 281; 40 U.S.C. 318 (a), (c); sec. 103, 63 Stat. 380; 40 U.S.C. 753; sec. 205(d), 63 Stat. 389; 40 U.S.C. 486(d); 36 FR 18440 and 60 FR 56392. Source:37 FR 2424, Feb. 1, 1972, unless otherwise noted.

7: 502.1
   502.1 General.
7: 502.2
   502.2 Admission.
7: 502.3
   502.3 Preservation of property.
7: 502.4
   502.4 Conformity with signs and emergency directions.
7: 502.5
   502.5 Nuisances.
7: 502.6
   502.6 Hunting, fishing, camping, horseback riding.
7: 502.7
   502.7 Gambling.
7: 502.8
   502.8 Intoxicating beverages and narcotics.
7: 502.9
   502.9 Soliciting, vending, debt collection, and distribution of handbills.
7: 502.10
   502.10 Photographs by visitors or for news, advertising, or commercial purposes.
7: 502.11
   502.11 Pets.
7: 502.12
   502.12 Vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
7: 502.13
   502.13 Weapons and explosives.
7: 502.14
   502.14 Nondiscrimination.
7: 502.15
   502.15 Exceptions.
7: 502.16
   502.16 Penalties and other law.