Title 7


Part 48 - Requirements Of The Secretary Of Agriculture For The Enforcement Of The Produce Agency Act

PART 48 - REQUIREMENTS OF THE SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE PRODUCE AGENCY ACT Authority:Sec. 3, 44, Stat. 1355, as amended; 7 U.S.C. 494. Source:24 FR 7127, Sept. 3, 1959, unless otherwise noted.

7: 262
7: 48.1
   48.1 Meaning of words.
7: 48.2
   48.2 Definitions.
7: 263
7: 48.3
   48.3 Director.
7: 264
7: 48.4
   48.4 Destroying or dumping.
7: 48.5
   48.5 False report or statement.
7: 48.6
   48.6 Failure to account.
7: 265
   Justification for Dumping
7: 48.7
   48.7 Evidence to justify dumping.
7: 266
7: 48.8
   48.8 Filing of complaints.