Title 7


Subpart H - Recordkeeping, Reporting, and Examination Requirements for RBICs

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Recordkeeping Requirements for RBICs
7: 4290.600
   4290.600 General requirement for RBIC to maintain and preserve records.
7: 4290.610
   4290.610 Required certifications for Loans and Investments.
7: 4290.620
   4290.620 Requirements to obtain information from Portfolio Concerns.
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Reporting Requirements for RBICs
7: 4290.630
   4290.630 Requirement for RBICs to file financial statements and supplementary information with the Agency.
7: 4290.640
   4290.640 Requirement to file portfolio financing reports with the Agency.
7: 4290.650
   4290.650 Requirement to report portfolio valuations to the Agency
7: 4290.660
   4290.660 Other items required to be filed by RBIC with the Agency.
7: 4290.680
   4290.680 Reporting changes in RBIC not subject to prior approval.
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Examinations of RBICs by the Agency for Regulatory Compliance
7: 4290.690
   4290.690 Examinations.
7: 4290.691
   4290.691 Responsibilities of RBIC during examination.
7: 4290.692
   4290.692 Examination fees.