Title 7
Subpart B - Scientific Peer Review of Research Applications for Funding
- Section 1470 of the National Agricultural Research, Extension and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3316).
- 61 FR 27753, May 31, 1996, unless otherwise noted.
7: | SECTION 3401.12 | 3401.12 Establishment and operation of peer review groups. | |
7: | SECTION 3401.13 | 3401.13 Composition of peer review groups. | |
7: | SECTION 3401.14 | 3401.14 Conflicts of interest. | |
7: | SECTION 3401.15 | 3401.15 Availability of information. | |
7: | SECTION 3401.16 | 3401.16 Proposal review. | |
7: | SECTION 3401.17 | 3401.17 Review criteria. |