Title 7

PART 2901

Part 2901 - Administrative Procedures For Adjustments Of Natural Gas Curtailment Priority

PART 2901 - ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES FOR ADJUSTMENTS OF NATURAL GAS CURTAILMENT PRIORITY Authority:Secs. 502, 507. Pub. L. 95-621, 92 Stat. 3397, 3405, Nov. 9, 1978. Source:44 FR 55803, Sept. 28, 1979, unless otherwise noted.

7: 2901.1
   2901.1 Purpose and scope.
7: 2901.2
   2901.2 Definitions.
7: 2901.3
   2901.3 Oral presentation.
7: 2901.4
   2901.4 Interpretations.
7: 2901.5
   2901.5 Modifications and rescissions.
7: 2901.6
   2901.6 Exceptions and exemptions.
7: 2901.7
   2901.7 Review of denials.
7: 2901.8
   2901.8 Judicial review.
7: 2901.9
   2901.9 Effective date.