Title 7


Part 23 - State And Regional Annual Plans Of Work

PART 23 - STATE AND REGIONAL ANNUAL PLANS OF WORK Authority:Sec. 508, 86 Stat. 674 (7 U.S.C. 2668). Source:38 FR 29023, Oct. 18, 1973, unless otherwise noted.

7: A
Subpart A - State Program
7: 23.1
   23.1 General.
7: 23.2
   23.2 Administration.
7: 23.3
   23.3 Coordination.
7: 23.4
   23.4 State Rural Development Advisory Council.
7: 23.5
   23.5 Availability of funds.
7: 23.6
   23.6 Plan of Work.
7: B
Subpart B - Regional Program
7: 23.9
   23.9 General.
7: 23.10
   23.10 Administration.
7: 23.11
   23.11 Board of Directors.
7: 23.12
   23.12 Availability of funds.
7: 23.13
   23.13 Plan of Work.