Title 7

PART 1499

Part 1499 - Food For Progress Program

PART 1499 - FOOD FOR PROGRESS PROGRAM Authority:7 U.S.C. 1736o; and 15 U.S.C. 714b and 714c. Source:81 FR 62605, Sept. 12, 2016, unless otherwise noted.

7: 1499.1
   1499.1 Purpose and applicability.
7: 1499.2
   1499.2 Definitions.
7: 1499.3
   1499.3 Eligibility and conflicts of interest.
7: 1499.4
   1499.4 Application process.
7: 1499.5
   1499.5 Agreements.
7: 1499.6
   1499.6 Payments.
7: 1499.7
   1499.7 Transportation of donated commodities.
7: 1499.8
   1499.8 Entry, handling, and labeling of donated commodities and notification requirements.
7: 1499.9
   1499.9 Damage to or loss of donated commodities.
7: 1499.10
   1499.10 Claims for damage to or loss of donated commodities.
7: 1499.11
   1499.11 Use of donated commodities, sale proceeds, CCC-provided funds, and program income.
7: 1499.12
   1499.12 Monitoring and evaluation requirements.
7: 1499.13
   1499.13 Reporting and record keeping requirements.
7: 1499.14
   1499.14 Subrecipients.
7: 1499.15
   1499.15 Noncompliance with an agreement.
7: 1499.16
   1499.16 Suspension and termination of agreements.
7: 1499.17
   1499.17 Opportunities to object and appeals.
7: 1499.18
   1499.18 Audit requirements.
7: 1499.19
   1499.19 Paperwork Reduction Act.