Title 7

PART 1486

Part 1486 - Emerging Markets Program

PART 1486 - EMERGING MARKETS PROGRAM Authority:7 U.S.C. 5623, 5662-5663. Source:84 FR 69986, Dec. 20, 2019, unless otherwise noted.

7: A
Subpart A - General Information
7: 1486.100
   1486.100 General purpose and scope.
7: 1486.101
   1486.101 Definitions.
7: 1486.102
   1486.102 Regional projects.
7: B
Subpart B - Eligibility, Applications, and Funding
7: 1486.200
   1486.200 Participation eligibility.
7: 1486.201
   1486.201 Eligible commodities.
7: 1486.202
   1486.202 Application process.
7: 1486.203
   1486.203 Application review and formation of agreements.
7: 1486.204
   1486.204 Funding limits.
7: C
Subpart C - Program Operations
7: 1486.300
   1486.300 Applicant notification.
7: 1486.301
   1486.301 Amendments.
7: 1486.302
   1486.302 Subrecipients.
7: D
Subpart D - Cost Share and Reimbursements
7: 1486.400
   1486.400 Cost share.
7: 1486.401
   1486.401 Eligible cost share.
7: 1486.402
   1486.402 Ineligible cost share.
7: 1486.403
   1486.403 Reimbursement rules.
7: 1486.404
   1486.404 Ineligible expenditures.
7: 1486.405
   1486.405 Reimbursement procedures.
7: 1486.406
   1486.406 Advances.
7: E
Subpart E - Reporting, Evaluation, and Compliance
7: 1486.500
   1486.500 Reports.
7: 1486.501
   1486.501 Evaluation.
7: 1486.502
   1486.502 Compliance reviews and notices.
7: 1486.503
   1486.503 Records retention.
7: 1486.504
   1486.504 Program income.
7: 1486.505
   1486.505 Audit requirements.
7: 1486.506
   1486.506 Disclosure of program information.
7: 1486.507
   1486.507 Ethical conduct.
7: 1486.508
   1486.508 Suspension and termination.
7: 1486.509
   1486.509 Noncompliance with an agreement.
7: 1486.510
   1486.510 Paperwork reduction requirements.