Title 7


Subpart A - General Source:67 FR 63511, Oct. 11, 2002, unless otherwise noted.

7: 1421.1
   1421.1 Applicability and interest.
7: 1421.2
   1421.2 Administration.
7: 1421.3
   1421.3 Definitions.
7: 1421.4
   1421.4 Eligible producers.
7: 1421.5
   1421.5 Eligible commodities.
7: 1421.6
   1421.6 Beneficial interest.
7: 1421.7
   1421.7 Requesting MALs and LDPs.
7: 1421.8
   1421.8 Eligible quantity.
7: 1421.9
   1421.9 Basic loan rates.
7: 1421.10
   1421.10 Loan repayment rates.
7: 1421.11
   1421.11 Spot checks.
7: 1421.12
   1421.12 Production evidence.
7: 1421.13
   1421.13 Special loan deficiency payments.
7: 1421.14
   1421.14 Obtaining peanut MALs.