Title 7


Subpart B - Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm-Raised Fish Program

7: 1416.101
   1416.101 Applicability.
7: 1416.102
   1416.102 Definitions.
7: 1416.103
   1416.103 Eligible losses, adverse weather, and other loss conditions.
7: 1416.104
   1416.104 Eligible livestock, honeybees, and farm-raised fish.
7: 1416.105
   1416.105 Eligible producers, owners, and contract growers.
7: 1416.106
   1416.106 Notice of loss and application process.
7: 1416.107
   1416.107 Notice of loss and application period.
7: 1416.108
   1416.108 [Reserved]
7: 1416.109
   1416.109 National Payment Rate.
7: 1416.110
   1416.110 Livestock payment calculations.
7: 1416.111
   1416.111 Honeybee payment calculations.
7: 1416.112
   1416.112 Farm-raised fish payment calculations.