Title 7

PART 1413

Part 1413 - Commodity Incentive Payment Programs

PART 1413 - COMMODITY INCENTIVE PAYMENT PROGRAMS Authority:7 U.S.C. 8788 and 15 U.S.C. 714. Source:75 FR 41965, July 20, 2010, unless otherwise noted.

7: A
Subpart A - Durum Wheat Quality Program
7: 1413.101
   1413.101 Applicability.
7: 1413.102
   1413.102 Definitions.
7: 1413.103
   1413.103 Administration.
7: 1413.104
   1413.104 Eligibility.
7: 1413.105
   1413.105 [Reserved]
7: 1413.106
   1413.106 Application process.
7: 1413.107
   1413.107 Availability of funds.
7: 1413.108
   1413.108 Payment calculation.
7: 1413.109
   1413.109 Refunds, joint and several liability.
7: 1413.110
   1413.110 Misrepresentation and scheme or device.
7: 1413.111
   1413.111 Miscellaneous provisions.
7: 1413.112
   1413.112 Appeals.
7: 1413.113
   1413.113 Deceased individuals or dissolved entities.
7: 1413.114
   1413.114 Records and inspections.
7: B
Subparts B-C [Reserved]