Title 6

PART 1002

Part 1002 - Implementation Of The Privacy Act Of 1974

PART 1002 - IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PRIVACY ACT OF 1974 Authority:5 U.S.C. 552a. Source:78 FR 66997, Nov. 8, 2013, unless otherwise noted.

6: 1002.1
   1002.1 Purpose and scope.
6: 1002.2
   1002.2 Definitions.
6: 1002.3
   1002.3 Privacy Act requests.
6: 1002.4
   1002.4 Responses to Privacy Act requests.
6: 1002.5
   1002.5 Administrative appeals.
6: 1002.6
   1002.6 Fees.
6: 1002.7
   1002.7 Penalties.