Title 6

PART 1001

Part 1001 - Procedures For Disclosure Of Records Under The Freedom Of Information Act

PART 1001 - PROCEDURES FOR DISCLOSURE OF RECORDS UNDER THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT Authority:5 U.S.C. 552, as amended; Executive Order 12600. Source:78 FR 66997, Nov. 8, 2013, unless otherwise noted.

6: 1001.1
   1001.1 Purpose and scope.
6: 1001.2
   1001.2 Definitions.
6: 1001.3
   1001.3 Availability of records.
6: 1001.4
   1001.4 Categories of exemptions.
6: 1001.5
   1001.5 Requests for records.
6: 1001.6
   1001.6 Responsibility for responding to requests.
6: 1001.7
   1001.7 Administrative appeals.
6: 1001.8
   1001.8 Time frame for Board response.
6: 1001.9
   1001.9 Business information.
6: 1001.10
   1001.10 Fees.
6: 1001.11
   1001.11 Other rights and services.