Title 50
Subpart N - Management Measures for the Golden Tilefish and Blueline Tilefish Fisheries Source: 66 FR 49145, Sept. 26, 2001, unless otherwise noted.
- 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
- Source: 61 FR 34968, July 3, 1996, unless otherwise noted.
50: | SECTION 648.290 | 648.290 Tilefish Annual Catch Limits (ACL). | |
50: | SECTION 648.291 | 648.291 Tilefish Annual Catch Targets (ACT). | |
50: | SECTION 648.292 | 648.292 Tilefish specifications. | |
50: | SECTION 648.293 | 648.293 Tilefish accountability measures. | |
50: | SECTION 648.294 | 648.294 Golden tilefish individual fishing quota (IFQ) program. | |
50: | SECTION 648.295 | 648.295 Tilefish commercial trip limits and landing condition. | |
50: | SECTION 648.296 | 648.296 Tilefish recreational possession limits and gear restrictions. | |
50: | SECTION 648.297 | 648.297 Tilefish gear restricted areas. | |
50: | SECTION 648.299 | 648.299 Tilefish framework specifications. |