Title 50
Subpart L - Management Measures for the Spiny Dogfish Fishery Source: 65 FR 1570, Jan. 11, 2000, unless otherwise noted.
- 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
- Source: 61 FR 34968, July 3, 1996, unless otherwise noted.
50: | SECTION 648.230 | 648.230 Spiny dogfish Annual Catch Limits (ACLs). | |
50: | SECTION 648.231 | 648.231 Spiny dogfish Annual Catch Target (ACT) and Total Allowable Level of Landings (TAL). | |
50: | SECTION 648.232 | 648.232 Spiny dogfish specifications. | |
50: | SECTION 648.233 | 648.233 Spiny dogfish Accountability Measures (AMs). | |
50: | SECTION 648.234 | 648.234 Gear restrictions. [Reserved] | |
50: | SECTION 648.235 | 648.235 Spiny dogfish possession and landing restrictions. | |
50: | SECTION 648.236 | 648.236 Special Management Zones. [Reserved] | |
50: | SECTION 648.237-648.238 | 648.237-648.238 [Reserved] | |
50: | SECTION 648.239 | 648.239 Spiny dogfish framework adjustments to management measures. |